NoJoMo 11

It’s only been about 9 hours since I last wrote so I don’t have much to say, but I’m working till late and won’t get a change to write later.

We won £7.20 on the Euromillions lottery, that was nice 🙂
We’ve decided to reinvest it. ha!

I have so much tv to catch up on. 
That in itself is a stupid statement.
 All the shows I watch kept on recording while I was on holiday and I’ve come back to hours and hours of recorded rubbish.
There just aren’t enough hours in the day.

Elroy’s sitting in the only sunny patch I can see in the whole house. 
He’s like a heat sponge.
I like to scoop him up and cuddle him after he’s been lying in the sun.

I need to go get ready for work.



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November 11, 2012

dont spend the £7.20 all at once now hahaha 😀

November 11, 2012

I love cuddling pre-warmed kitties! We make Ying a winter “house” (a playwood box placed in front of a heating vent for the winter), and when she comes out after a nap, I can’t get enough of snuggling her while she’s so deliciously warm 🙂

November 12, 2012

my cats can’t get enough of laying in window sills.. to the point that they’re destroying my blinds, curtains, and the sills themselves. furry little punks.. but i do love them so!