
Trying to tell people, don’t know where to start. You all, Jesus love’s you. My experience….. Jesus protected me from a drug addict. He gave me a happy song that I woke up singing for a while. But I’m very new at this. Don’t actually know what I’m doing. I didn’t testify because I was scared, all though I did give out cards. I think I’m supposed to tell people what the Lord’s done in my life, or does that matter. Those drug addicts came back. I had two canister’s of propane under the porch….there gone. I’m being dosed if I even stay in the house. I tried going to the police. They say I need proof. I have none.  Their trying to kill me!  Why won’t people help me!? I have no place to go. I’m supposed to support and help my mom, and now I can’t do that. And now I don’t have any money or a job.  Jesus if ur gonna come through, please do it soon. I can’t stay here and die like this. Please help.

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