I can’t sleep

I can’t sleep for a very good reason. I’m suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. It comes up through the floor boards. Or maybe it’s not carbon monoxide. I set 2….. what do you call them…..u fill them up with gass, cook ur food when you go out camping, canister’s. They disappeared from under the porch. I think some homeless folk took it…..or the people living around in the apartments. They seem to hate my guts. A couple of years ago I caught my brother cooking drugs. I told my mom. She refused to believe it. We’ve been getting dosed ever since. But the last 3 days have been particularly bad. My chest hurts on my left side, I’m caufing, and my nose is running profusely. My mom has been trying to pull rank on me ever since this has started happening. I’ve been trying to fall in line ‘cus she’s my mom. But I’m really getting tired of my life being threatened. I have to see what happens tomorrow after I try to witness. But I’m really having trouble with my emotions right now. My mom is 81, and as far as I can remember we’ve gone through abuse. She does whatever my brother says. He’s A Drug Addict. God loves him too, but the way things are going…… this is just Not good sense. I wanna be here for my mom. I’ve prayed about it….. God has been Very understanding when it comes to me. I keep on getting stop worrying, I’ve got this. I just need to do one thing that God’s been asking me to do for a while. Right now I shouldn’t even be sleeping here. I can’t even lay on my bed right now. I’ll have to see what happens tomorrow.  So Frustrating!!!


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