God is with me

Got up this morning. I put God first…. I’ve been having trouble with that. My mom forgot to pay her phone bill, so that’s the first place we went. Then I was going to go to Happy Valley Park but I got the seeds I was waiting for. I would so want to build up the nutrients in the soil I was going to use, but that would take months. I have the seeds now. So I got some fertilizer. Gonna plant the seeds tomorrow. I went to that park after that, walked for a bit. Actually stopped for a rest….. the first rest a this place where it looks out onto a small lake. There’s usually some ducks on that pound. Well I said under my breath “Huhh….no ducks out today?” I then walked around to the other side.  Struck up a short conversation with a couple of people. That was nice. I have not had the chance to talk to people all that often lately. Well then four male ducks 🦆 came flying in for a landing 🛬. I wish I would have gotten video of it. It’s not something I see everyday, and was a surprise. It looked great. It was like, thank you God. Then I came back home. I hope the weather stays nice so I can walk there more often. To be continued.

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