Junior high memories revisited

Years ago, as part of outreach duties at my job, I found myself in a local middle school at a rescheduled career-day presentation that morphed into “social studies night” for parents coming to pick up their kids’ report cards. I had been asked to talk about miy job and how it impacted students.

I ended up not having much to do, so I pulled out some scrap paper and wrote down a few recollections of my own junior high experience. And, since middle schools are what junior highs came to be called, minus the 9th grade and with the addition of 6th grade, I was in the perfect place. Timeless, it was, as my surroundings, including long hallways with lockers, conjured up some vivid memories, mostly not so good. I didn’t like junior high.

To re-iterate, the middle school where I found myself that evening many years ago reminded me exactly of the New Orleans Public Schools junior high where I spent part of 7th and all of 8th and 9th grades. The school was brand new when we moved in sometime during my 7th grade year. I think it was 1963. For the first half of 7th grade, we were in portable, temporary classrooms until construction on the new junior high was completed. It was located just two blocks further up the street from my elementary school, which was only one long block from where I lived. Thus, from 5th grade through 9th, I walked to school. When I entered high school in 10th grade, I took the bus.

I remember I often felt very isolated and stuck for interminable hours each day in a vast, impersonal facility, with endlessly long concrete-block-walled hallways lined with rows of lockers, each with a Master combination lock. I am sure you remember fumbling with those contraptions between classes.

I can recall those times now — the clanging, horrible, rapid-fire bell to change classes; taking books out of my locker and quickly slamming the door shut, as time to get to class was of the essence. Then I hurriedly walked to English, history or science class through a packed hall full of chattering, babbling students letting off pent-up energy before their next period of confinement within four walls, presided over by teachers of various levels of competence and commitment to the profession.

The junior high experience was not one of the finest and most enjoyable chapters of my young life. I was never one for teeming crowds, students or otherwise. I was very tall and gangly — 6 ft. 1 in. — and thin. Although I liked to play basketball, I always had an aversion to organized sports, yet I had to endure a period of time (punishment for something, apparently) on the junior varsity team in 9th grade, where I warmed the bench during games. I hated that.

Then there were the awkward and nerve-wracking school dances in the cafeteria which I attended on a couple of occasions, both times feeling very out-of-place and foolish. Why did I even go? Partly out of parental coaxing, and partly from that silent, ominously dark and hovering cloud known as peer pressure, which in adolescence, as we all know now, is not merely dark clouds of conformity, but savage storms with wind and fire that could make or break social standing. Why else would my awkward, gangly early-teenage self show up for one of those parent-teacher corralled, adolescent rites of passage? And in 8th grade back in the early 1960s I sure didn’t want to dance with “girls.” And gen here was the sweaty anxiety soaking your shirt under a not and miserable blue blazer coat and tie. Was the Right Guard spray deodorant working? What would the girls think? What would be whispered the following week at school?

School dances. Can you even imagine the authorities putting up with the risks and chancery of such mass teen gatherings today? Can anyone enlighten me? Do they still have middle school dances anywhere?

I don’t think I was alone in believing that junior high was a very awkward and even scary stage of adolescence. I was such a serious student, and everything had to be just right: homework done on time, tests thoroughly studied for to the point of overkill, attention paid in class. I don’t remember having a lot of fun during those years. However, I was considered a model student by my teachers, one of whom let me grade quizzes in her class and another, the most feared teacher in the school, taking very kindly to me since I was such a well-behaved youngster, eagerly listening to everything she said. It wasn’t that I was trying to be some “teacher’s pet.” I was just extremely conscientious and worried about everything, and I tried to please my teachers. I guess I was just brought up that way. I think I was that way since birth, trying to please my mother, but having the opposite effect on my father.

There were incidents I will never forget such as being taunted by a bully in 8th grade and lashing out at him finally, only the second time in my life that I was in a fight. I am a very peaceable, non-violent person. But I couldn’t take it any longer when he kept taunting me one afternoon in P.E. “You’re so stupid,” he kept saying when he and I, and a group of several others, were playing basketball in the gym. He never bothered me again after I decided to try to “fight” him, although I was hopelessly out-maneuvered, and he was embarrassed that I was such a tall, wimpy guy, flailing my arms around and trying to land a punch as he danced around me. None of the other kids thought it was funny, and they felt bad for me. I was not an unpopular student. The bully humiliated himself that day.

I have a theory about why he despised me so much. It was a classic case of a kid from a less privileged, working class background, smart enough to know I represented everything he might not ever have: respect of teachers, college education, and being in the academically gifted tracks. Regardless, you never forget a bully. The scars are lifelong because it’s such a vulnerable age.

By 9th grade, I was ready for high school. I was older and more mature, although I was always much more mature than my chronological age. I did have a very good grounding in grammar and English compositiion skills in both 7th and 8th grades, and this was invaluable in preparing me for my later writing career and encouraging my love of writing. It was something that came naturally to me, but I was so fortunate also to have had excellent English teachers throughout both junior and senior high school

When we got report cards at the end of 9th grade, I felt that a chapter in my life had ended and I awaited, with nervousness and expectation over the summer, my entrance into the hallowed halls of high school.A

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June 22, 2024

Yes, they have dances in middle School, but they’re during school time, not in the evening, and only last for about an hour to an hour an a half. The kids don’t actually  “dance,” though. It’s more of an organized social activity put on by the PTA. And nobody but the popular kids likes middle school. It’s a pressure cooker of hormones and immaturity. There’s a huge difference between 8th and 9th grades.

June 23, 2024

@startingover_1 You have described it very well, and is what I would have  imagined those “socials” to be like today.  And as always the popular kids get to strut about being cool!  Lol

June 22, 2024

I really think that junior high of 8th, 9th, and 10th grades (as it was way-back then), and then high of 11th and 12th grades was a better system. Smaller schools are better, too.

June 24, 2024

@solovoice Agreed, and today schools and class sizes seem to be larger than ever.  There’s a middle school in Mt. Pleasant near Charleston that looks like the most enormous and imposing high school you’ve ever seen.

The ideal class size would be 12-15 students but can you even imagine that happening today with teacher turnover at record high levels.

June 22, 2024

I have very unpleasant memories of junior high as well!  The beacon of light for me during those years was our school’s well funded music and arts programs – saved my life, I think.

June 24, 2024

@onlysujema I hear you!  And today if you live in the right area there are separate schools of the arts, which I completely support.

June 22, 2024

Middle school for me was 7th & 8th grades only, then it was on to high school.  I don’t remember much about it: I certainly wasn’t a conscientious student in those days!  I don’t have happy memories of that time either — I wasn’t part of the “in crowd” and didn’t have any particular friends, so for me it just seemed to be a liminal time — waiting to get on to high school, where I did find friends.

June 24, 2024

@ghostdancer Very similar to my experience.  I didn’t have any friends in junior high, but did in high school.  But more accurately, they were geeky  acquaintances I could hang around with in gym period or at the school library.

June 22, 2024

I attended a K-8 catholic school so never had the middle/Jr high experience. My own kids went to middle school and what I remember most is the weeks old gym clothes reeking of sweat and Axe deodorant and the awkward height differences between girls and boys.

June 24, 2024

@elkay Middle school seems to universally be a tough educational and socialization experience for most kids.  I think this is largely due to the huge physical, emotional and social changes adolescents are experiencing at those ages.

June 22, 2024

Junior High was a very unpleasant experience for me.  When I was in the 7th grade I was bullied by two girls.  My mother had just passed away and I was extremely depressed.  I have no good memories of junior high.

June 24, 2024

@wildrose_2 So many people had those kinds of unpleasant experiences in middle school or junior high. I cannot even imagine what it’s like today.