“Born to be wild” (Not!) and another one of those so-called missed opportunities
I had forgotten it was Oldies Music Party Time at the 55+ “active adult” apartment complex where I live. Usually it’s an extremely quiet and peaceful place — live oaks, woods and salt marsh surround my building. And the clubhouse is mostly quiet too. Except on certain days.
I walked into that big room aiming to pick up my mail, and was greeted by the ear-splitting volume of an immortal song from 1969, and seniors twisting around and bopping to the beat, as best they could. Seemed like slow motion gyrations to me, but by that time the party was in high gear and the curmudgeon in me was coming out to survey the scene and put the brakes on any loss of inhibition I might suddenly be contemplating.
As I quickened my pace to the mail room, I instinctively covered my ears. I mean, I’ve never heard music so loud in there before.
As I was heading back out through the perspiring oldsters having a ball and digging the 60s tunes, a lady I didn’t know asked me if I was enjoying the dance music.
“”It’s too loud,” I groaned with a half grin, mostly glad I was on my way out.
“Oh, you sound like an old man,” she laughingly retorted.
“That’s because I AM an old man,” I said only half seriously, laughing back. “ At least I can admit it.” Oh, what a curmudgeonly grouch I must have sounded like.
For the briefest moment just before I reached the door, I thought about turning back and joining that little merry band of over 55’s, some of whom were actually younger than me.
I’d show them. I’d be out there by the DJ table jumping and gesticulating to the sounds of “Born to be Wild,” Soon, I imagined, it would be just me, dazzling the crowd with my foot-loose dancing as they assembled around me in a circle, clapping in admiration and goading me on.
Sighs. Instead, the heavy glass doors closed behind me, and it was quiet again as I walked to my car with my mail and Amazon packages. The last thing I heard was the roar Peter Fonda’s motorcycle.
Those were the days!
I must be magic living around you. LOL Man, I’d be out there gyrating with the best of them! At our “seniors” dance last week, I was the one leading the Macarena. I’m the same age as you. Dude, lighten up and bust a groove! Sheesh.
@startingover_1 hahaha!! You go! There’s never not a time to have fun! However and wherever we find it!
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Some of the scenery in that clip looks like where I live. I wonder if it was filmed in Southern Utah. Hollywood used to do a lot of filming here (back before there were ten zillion people here). An old, old movie called “They Came to Cordura” was filmed on the other side of the freeway from where I live, with the red mountains that are in a lot of my pictures in the background.
@startingover_1 It was filmed in lots of locations out West. Part of the movie’s appeal, for sure!
*Easy Rider was shot in Las Vegas, Santa Fe, Taos, and Madrid, New Mexico, USA. Filming also took place in Los Angeles and Malibu, California. Wupatki National Monument…*
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This is a video that some guy made, apparently recently because he mentions the fire that we had a couple of years ago. He describes part of the rubble as the Adams’ house, but you can see the real house (which is intact and has signs that describe it) in the background of some of his shots, so I’m not sure he knows what he’s talking about, LOL
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Since I have become old, I’ve found that “oldies” music fits into these categories:
1). Iconic “Born to be Wild” is one of them.
2.) Was great the first 10,000 times I heard it, but come-ON now! Enough is enough! (anything Bob Seeger comes to mind – especially “Against the Wind” Also Lionel Richies “I’m Easy”)
3.) Didn’t like it when it came out, still don’t like it! (Bubble-gum pop comes to mind – by the 1910 Fruit Gum Company – )
4.) Songs that went out of circulation and when I hear them again, bring back to me a time and a place long gone ( much of the non-Beatles British invasion – except the Stones, who I never got into)
5) The songs and artists I loved then, and still love (endless list)
When you DO hop up on a table and dance to the grooviness, I wanna see the video!
@onlysujema Did you see the note I posted?
Check out my latest entry. I’ve been having trouble posting notes. I really enjoyed your comment above!
@oswego my notifications tell me you left a note on my “cheeseburgers” entry – but when I go there, I don’t see it.
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