Pro Life?
So your Pro life? Seriously?… Why is it that these "Conservatives" only care about what happens to people before you are born?…Because from what I can tell… as soon as your a new born baby, they dont want you to have affordable health care, or food stamps, or welfare and they want to lower your mothers minimum wage and kill the union your father works for!!…. So why is it that they bend over backwards for the unborn and don’t give a shit about you after that…That is of course only until these babies reach military age! Then all the poor and disenfranchised kids of the country are miraculously useful to them again… They call them the " Nations Bravest and Brightest" and ship them off to kill some other countries poor people… Then, if they are lucky, they return home again…Only to find Paul Ryan and the rest of the right wing jack-offs passing bills to end health care for 1.3 million veterans!! .. All these conservatives want is live babies so they can raise them to be dead solders… So listen here you empty fucking suits! Until one of you rich, self serving pricks goes through the pain of giving birth, raises a couple of kids alone, while ridding the bus to both of your minimum wage jobs just to raise them off and see them sent off to some fucking bullshit war…You can keep you mouths shut about what a woman can and cant do with her body…if a single one of you does half of that I will gladly listen to what you have to say on the topic.. until then, Stop treating the poor woman of this country as the broodmare for your war machine! Pro Life = ANTI-WOMAN… You hypocritical turds!