come inside

Allow me to let you in…

inside the mind of me…..

while I am doing my boring, mindless and vastly unimportant daily responsibilities……

Right now, while I am supposed to be working….

Yes!..Right this very forgettable moment!!!

I have the overwhelming urge to play some classical music….

Jump into a hot bath with nothing but a bib around my neck….

and sit in there for hours while I pack my face with obscene amounts of blow and butter soaked crustaceans!!!!!!


Right before I hit maximum overload….

I would wash it all down with a cold bottle or two of champagne…..

 I am not a big fan of champagne, mind you…its to rich and sweet for casual drinking…

but for this…..For this great moment in time….

it would be fucking PERFECT!!!!!!!!

Christ, I can almost taste it……

It would be like being the all powerful man god of the Merpeople….

Swimming above them triumphantly salty and glistening with my bright red crown of crab claws…

splashing around furiously as I cracked shell after shell…..

Shouting out randomly: "Glory!", "long live the King!’ and "Bring me my fucking Trident you mermaid whore slave!’



……….Splash splash….(with wild and crazed blue eyes)…….splash splash splash.


Then…after all the sea life was dead…. I would towel off and go to the book store….

 I would walk right in with a profound and unexplainable air of confidence that leaves everyone I pass baffled and ashamed of themselves.

then I would walk back out…empty handed….because sadly there is nothing worth reading in there anymore.






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January 13, 2012