Theme of the Week 69 – Tell us about one thing you could do to bring happiness into another person’s life. Is there a reason you are not doing it?

Tell us about one thing you could do to bring happiness into another person’s life. Is there a reason you are not doing it?
Remember to tag your entry #TOTW69 down at the bottom so it ends up on the Theme page!
I am unable to tag for some reason. When I go to the “insert tag here” at the bottom of my entry, the # does not stick. I have tried on my ipad, laptop, and desktop with the same results. Any suggestions?
@teamarea hi, and sorry about the problem – what you have to do, is this: click on the box at the bottom that says “Add your tags here” at the bottom of the edit screen, then type the tag you want (you don’t have to add the hashtag, that will happen automatically – so type “TOTW69” for example), then make sure you press Enter or Return after typing the text and the tag will appear.
Hope that helps!
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