OD Monthly Report for April
We are going to be doing this on a monthly basis going forward, so maybe next month it will happen on the first of the month (instead of the 4th). (oh by the way, #MayTheFourthBeWithYou).
For these monthly reports, we’re going to include some fun statistics every month, so let’s get to it! All the below is for the month of April.
Site Uptime: 100%
This means that for the month of April, the site was online 100% of the time. Our last downtime logged was on March 19th, and lasted for 1 minute. We are really proud of this one, we always strive for 100% uptime!
From Uptime Robot (our site monitoring software)
Items closed by our Engineering team: 42
These included:
- adding Search for your diary – so you can find everywhere you talked about your cat in your diary
- adding a Settings icon at the top of the page to make finding your diary settings easier
- improvements to your Diary front page to make it easier to read
- improvements to search speed
- fixing that annoying thing where the entry editor wouldn’t remember your font settings from one paragraph to the next
- adding a “Trending Tags” display to the front page, that shows the tags members are using most right now
- a LOT of anti-spam work (which we’re glad to say has been very successful so far)
- many smaller things to improve readability and usability of the site
Issues resolved by our Support team: 486
This included an average first reply time of 9.43 hours, meaning that the average time from a query coming in to the person getting a response was just over 9 hours.
From Zendesk (our customer service support system):
Random Things
- new Circles added: Mental Health Conditions, Goals, Gardening, Marriage, Trying to Conceive, Crafting & Hobbies, Antiques & Collectibles
- we reactivated our social presence on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to visit/follow/friend us (or whatever it is you do on those nutty social networks).
Visit us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
That’s all for now, it was a busy month, and May’s going to be a fun one too! Thanks as always to all of you for being here
Thanks for the updates!
@soldis you’re welcome!
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Thanks for your support. I should have said that in the email.
@poisonnoir you’re welcome!
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Love statistics! Would love to see traffic, new members, etc!
@e3 we will probably add more stats as the site grows, we will see
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Thanks for the report. I like that you ate doing this.
@catholicchristian you’re welcome!
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I still have to choose the larger font i prefer at the beginning of each paragraph. I want to be able to choose my font once. Did you say you fixed that?
@sassymimi we thought we had fixed that, but if it is still not working for you we will have to do some more testing based on what you are seeing. Thanks!
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Would like to see more circles someday if possible
@harleydragon we are adding Circles pretty often – if you have suggestions for ones you would like, please send us a message through the link at the bottom of the page. Thanks!
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How many diarists are ow members of OD?
@dlk082244 we’re at over 7,000!
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Love the monthly updates! The site seems to be going strong!
@cherrywine_1 yes, thanks!
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Thank You All For What You All Do For Us! Do you have A Circle For Disabilities’ Please? I have Cerebral Palsy.
Sincerely, Anne~
@amazinggrace you’re welcome! We can put that on the list of Circles to add, thanks!
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I’m such a nerd, I love stuff like this
@asilliamagdalene us too!
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PS – happy Revenge of the Sixth day!
@asilliamagdalene thanks!
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Cool new feature!
@petersshadow glad you like it!
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This is very cool. I like the new transparentness… makes it feel a little less like a rug is going to be pulled out from under us again. Thank you.
@almostmrsbolen you’re welcome, that’s what we are hoping for!
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Yay!! Stats!!!
Thank you!
@kneesockobsession you’re welcome!
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