New Open Diary Help Center!

We are very happy to announce the launch of the new Open Diary Help Center! We previously were using a diary for storing help articles, but have moved all of that content (plus more) to the new Help Center.
Our new Help Center will be a much better experience for all of you, because it makes it easier and quicker to find exactly what you are looking for.
So if you have questions about things like “how do I add pictures to an entry” or “how do I change the font of my text“, jump over there and find the answers easily .
You can always get to the Help Center by clicking the link under “Need Help?” on the front page of the site. Of course, if you can’t find the answers you need there, we are always happy to answer questions through the “Contact Support” link at the bottom of any page.
In the Old OD you could have a front page, can you bring that back?
@albatrosswing Hi Sam! Do you mean the diary front page? There is one now – it’s the page that you go to when you click on anyone’s name on OD now, or you can see yours by clicking the dropdown menu in the upper right of the page where your avatar is, and then clicking Diary.
Do you mean something different from that? Thanks!
@opendiarystaff Like this —>
@albatrosswing Hi Sam! Right, yes – that is what we are intending for the current diary front page, and much of that is already there. In your new front page, you can add to the personal description section as much as you want – that is the section at the top, so you can customize that somewhat.
What we don’t have (and probably won’t bring back) is having a diary title. We really liked having diary titles in the beginning of OD, but with current social networks structured the way they are, that concept is strange and confusing to people anymore.
Hopefully that makes sense!
@opendiarystaff Would you be bringing back the exact front page of the diary at any point in the future? Would it be possible?
@theelectlady Hi! We are not planning on bringing back the exact front page as it existed, since the old site was built in a different way with different technology – but if there are particular things about it you are missing and would like to see, please let us know and we can consider adding them. Thanks!
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I was also wondering if you can add colors to the back ground? Like in the old diary?
@jaythesmartone not at this time, we can only change the text. We may add that ability in the future!
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This looks great. Thank you for doing this.
@heffay you’re welcome!
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