New feature: Giphy support


What if you really wanted to say something clever about the new Solo movie (don’t get us started!) How would you do that in an original and interesting way?

giphy gif

You might use a GIF. (Also, don’t get us started on whether you say that with a hard “G” sound or with a “J” sound – we were around when the guy invented the format, and he pronounced it “JIF🙂 )

We’ve made embedding GIFs easy today by adding Giphy support to the entry editor – if you are writing an entry, look for an icon that looks like a blank page third from the right in the top menu bar. If you click that, you will see a screen where you can search for GIFs and pick one you like, and then click “Embed in Post”. It will add the GIF directly to your entry, like the one above.

Have fun!

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May 7, 2018

Cool beans

May 8, 2018

@bonnierose glad you like it!

May 7, 2018

Hah. I continually accidentally add Neil Patrick Harris self fiving himself, followed by a suspicious look by Steve Erkle, due to a common series of in-error keyboard strokes, when writing in FB messenger. I probably come off as manically insane in that format. Might as well keep in the expected context, here.

May 8, 2018

@e3 that’s hilarious!

May 8, 2018

@opendiarystaff – in lieu of an actual photo note.

May 15, 2018

@e3 HA!

May 7, 2018

Let the madness begin! LOL

May 8, 2018

@startingover_1 we know, right?

May 10, 2018

Pop quiz: Which gif supports animation?? Is it 87a or 89a ?? 🤔

May 11, 2018

@13spirit have to be honest, we had to look it up 🙂 89a!

May 11, 2018

So exciting!

May 11, 2018

@tiffany_b glad you think so!

May 18, 2018
