knees be shakin’, achin’.

So I was feeling pretty down the other day because Deven, the other ALT in town said he never really sees the other ALT’s and I took it to mean that they don’t really have get-togethers or gatherings. But I met a shit ton of ALT’s this weekend and it’s not them, it’s Deven. He’s kind of a twit. He’s nice enough but he’s… you know. Anime, manga, has Japanese girlfriend in Osaka that he met while studying abroad there, kind of funny but also incredibly awkward… more or less he blows and I’m bummed that he’s the other ALT in my town.

I met most of the other ALTs in the area last night, we went to a town like 30 mins south of here. We had dinner and then went out for karaoke, there were about 8 of us there. Two kiwis, some aussies, a canadian. All fucking awesome. All coupled up. Literally… most of them were dating when they came over and one of the girls (who I fucking adore.) met her Japanese fiance over here and is pregnant and having his baby in August. She is apparently an incredible jazz singer and he’s a jazz pianist and she’s all hip and indie and funky and fun and cool. Oh my god, yeah, it’s totally Deven’s fault he doesn’t spend time with these people. I was completely making assumptions about the whole deal when he said they don’t spend much time together but it’s he who doesn’t spend any time with them which I understand more now because he’s a freak and they are wonderful.

Today I went snowboarding and met MORE ALT’s, also lovely folks, american, canadian, also all coupled up. (Le sigh. What am I going to do without any romance? I happen to maybe live for romance a little.) I had a blast snowboarding (I can carve now!) and really picked it up quicker than I thought I would. The ski place is only like 45 minutes from Murayama and it was small but fun enough and pretty cheap. Michelle (our block leader) gave me a snowboard to borrow and let me keep it at the end of the day so I just have to rent boots out whenever I want to go and next weekend we are all going up to Zao which is supposed to be really incredibly amazing and there’s a famous onsen there as well so I’m excited about that. Snow! Winter! Hooray! I was thinking about not going today because I haven’t sorted out my apartment yet at all but I’m so glad I went. This is going to be a supportive community, at least for the first 6 months, everyone’s pretty much leaving in August which is sad but hopefully the next batch is OK. Michelle is trying already to talk me into being block leader next year because Deven’s shit and I’m actually fucking personable and whatnot. Which she said but in a much nicer and more diplomatic way. And there aren’t very many other people staying. I don’t know, there’s a lot being thrown at me now and it’s hard to sort out what to say yes and no to.

Some of the ALT’s even rock climb! Granted they don’t have any gear so it’s all gym climbing but I’m just so fucking excited and glad I brought my shoes and glad these people don’t suck. I was feeling really down about it but goddamn, that was so just me letting my mind get carried away and making stupid assumptions and why do I have to do that?!

Tomorrow I go to my first school, a junior high, just to make introductions I guess. “Chotto jinkoshai” just the Hi I’m Clea etc etc. I’m nervous again about starting the week and the newness and awkwardness of my lack of speaking ability. Studying’s so overwhelming… I wish I had a more organized way to do it. But I’m frustrated already with not being able to communicate. I want to talk to Misawa-san, the girl that is awesome that wants to be friends with me, without it being awkward or whatever, argh, I am just rambling now. There are classes that they offer JET’s but they start in August, when everyone else got here, and you aren’t allowed to start in the middle so it’s all going to have to be self-study and conversation practice but it’s really hard to start practicing conversation when I just don’t know a goddamn thing. Ugh, I’m anxious about it.

OK, on that note, I need to get home and have dinner and sleeeeep as my body is exhausted from the torture I put it through today.


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February 5, 2011

so are you definitely staying an extra year?! wah 🙁 / yay 🙂 !

ryn- Dude, if I get a job and have any money after graduation… I very well might take you up on it. That would be AWESOME.