JET results

I got chosen as an Alternate for the JET program. That means that, anytime between now and December, I can get a call from the US Japanese Consulate asking me to drop everything and get my ass to Japan in as little time as a week.

This is soo frustrating. I should be happy that I’m not outright denied, but this is like a double blow: failure (not getting actually accepted) plus the agony of waiting for the decision NOT BEING OVER YET.

And now I have to sit back and really re-evaluate the plans I had for the summer. I was actually pretty confident that I was going to get rejected for JET because some things I said in the interview made it appear as if I had been lying on my application (Ugh, something I didn’t realize until a few weeks AFTER the interview. I literally sat up in bed and was like “OH SHIT, I SAID WHAT?!”)

Anyways, plan was: move to Olympia and settle! SETTLE! Something I have not done for years and something I was really looking forward to. I was so excited about being able to apply for jobs that said things like “At least one-year commitment required” and likewise for rooms in houses and I wanted to build a community and now what?! Waiting… I find it hard to want to move because I’m going to need cash-in-hand in case I get called to Japan… also applying for jobs with the stipulation that I MIGHT have to leave in late July… woops, sorry! makes me a pretty un-enticing candidate.

And I have no idea where I am on the Alternate List, of course. There have been tons of Alternates that ended up going to Japan… it even seems like actually the majority of them go. But if I’m at the bottom of the list… how much should I let this affect my plans?


There is always the option of working here, living with my parents for the summer until I either 1) get called to Japan or 2) reach August, after which it’s highly unlikely I’ll get called, and then can strike out on my own with the reassurance that no one’s going to jerk my new life out from under me just as it’s getting started.

This does not make my life any less confusing. Clarity, anyone? I would really, really just like my choices to be simple for once.


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Ugh, that SUCKS. I mean, it’s cool that you made it onto the alternate list, but that’s frustrating when you’re trying to make plans. But it is such a cool opportunity, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to hold out on the settling down thing until August? That’s not so far away. I don’t know, it’s a tough call.

April 12, 2010

Are you the only alternate? If not, you should find out how far down you are on the list, you know? Find out how probable it is that you’ll be called up? Love always,