Failed with words, how ’bout a picture book?

Well… So, I did not post for DePhoMo #1 but I did take these photos yesterday so I’m counting them. Are you only allowed to post one? Not possible. So I’ll post a few.

I am staying with my parents until New Year’s Eve. (Well, with a week-long trip to Milwaukee in between.) So, here I am, back in my childhood home. And since I’ve been traveling so much since I graduated, this is the only place that I’ve been able to invest any time into creating some me-space. And I love my room. Truly, I wish I could take it with me everywhere. My parents have been really cool about me pretty much keeping it my own, as there are 3 other guest rooms and mine will still serve that purpose in a pinch. So, yes. Room:

Note all the floor space. I spend a lot of time lounging on the floor. Stretching, practicing yoga. I can do handstands! Pretty excited about that.

That strange glowing box thing on the ceiling is my attempt at a light cover. I broke the original sometime way back in high school and just lived with the glare of bare bulbs for years. Finally couldn’t stand it any more and constructed that beast. It’s interesting at least.

There’s all my shit. It’s a lot of shit. I pare down every time I come home but it still upsets me that I have so much… shit! Note the Buddha poster in the closet? A friend gave me that in high school and I hung it up because I thought it was pretty. Now it’s pretty and strikes a chord, as well. Very auspicious. 🙂

The couch. Also known as kitty lounger. I like to sit there with my lap desk and write. I’ve never been good at desks… prefer to work on the floor or on a low seat like this. Terrible for my posture but better for my mind.

Can’t not include a close-up of the cat. The light of my life at the moment. Meet Luna. She sleeps and snuggles with me like a champ and makes very funny noises when she doesn’t get her way. Endlessly entertaining.

Voila. My space.

I have so much to write about but now’s not the time. Photos! Worth thousands of words! Ta-da!


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