Didn’t Need This

On Wednesday, I got my third Social Security check.  It was about $185 less than it should have been.  I looked on SSA.gov website, but it showed a full payment.  I looked at my bank, no explanations, there.  So I’ve been calling for a few days, and finally got through, today.

It’s student loans.  Over $120,000 worth.

I graduated from college in 1996.

My tuition at community college was $12/unit.  Books were usually less than $200 total.

My tuition at University was $1003/semester.  Books were usually around $200 to $300.

While in college, I worked as much as I could.  Target, where I worked at the time, sometimes cut our hours down to as few as 9 hours per week.  Other times, they’d work us to death.  I took it all, because I was married, and my husband was a credit card junkie.

I borrowed the maximum amount allowed, every year that I was in college.  Dave insisted.  Sometimes I couldn’t get all the supplies or books that I needed, because he used my student loan money to pay off his credit cards.  I never stood up to him.

My credential program, which required me to teach for a year for free, cost a small fortune, but even then, they just raised my max amount and Dave spent it where he could.

I have worked and worked and worked to recover from the damage that this man had done to me.  I worked right up to the point where my health gave out on me.  Even then, I tried to work, just not as a teacher.

Until I had a stroke.  It took the federal government two years to decide that a woman with an immune deficiency disorder that requires weekly subcutaneous infusion, who has had a stroke, is legitimately disabled.

My disability payment is literally 10% of my loan amount.  And it took that same government fewer than 90 days to garnish my wages.

Now, 21 years after Dave took the coward’s way out, I’m still struggling under the weight of his obsessive need for guitars, amps, three copies of every new album he wanted, his truck and all its accouterments, while I had a microscopic diamond in a whitegold setting, and wore the same bras and underwear I’d had since high school.

I really could have lived without this.


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March 20, 2020

Ugh, I am so sorry to hear this, that is just so unfortunate – so much outrageous student debt in this country, education should never have cost that much in the first place!

March 20, 2020

I’m sorry. I wish I had some grand advice but I think there is none. Hug

March 20, 2020

Wow I hope you are going to be okay. So sorry about your health. I am recently disabled with end stage renal disease and have been on dialysis since the end of August last year. Still waiting on my Social Security disability claim to be approved and things are going from bad to worse on what seems to be a daily effort. Be encouraged your here for  a reason. Your reward will come one day  and all the bad things you have been through will only be footnotes to the victory your are going to be living in. Wishing you the best.

March 20, 2020

Jave you checked into loan forgiveness since you are disabled? I had 4k left on my loans when I went on disabilty. My loan people sent me a form, my doctor filled it out and it is all forgiven.  Check into it, this may be a good option for you.

March 20, 2020

sighs I haven’t gotten a GST in IDK how long. I’ve given up. :/

March 20, 2020

Our government has stopped the payment of student loans from years ago…..Not sure why your government  hasn’t?

Do you know why they cheated you out of this money?  And will they give it back to you?

March 21, 2020

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. 🙁 It’s all wrong here. I know it might be wishful thinking, but I’m hoping this crisis means a huge change for how the system works, because right now, it is not ok. Now everyone, of all financial levels, is feeling what it’s like to do everything you can, and still not be able to guarantee funds. We shall see.

March 24, 2020

I’m so sorry that you have to go through this, years after graduating from college.