Ugghhh! Just Ugghhh!

Uggghhh…yes, I said it, just ugghh!   Today is my last final, the only one I am worried about and I get more and more frustrated as I study.

Today has not been great either.  He had his driving test at 12:30, we live 15 minutes from Meadville, should have made it in plenty of time, we left about 12:05…we got there at 12:40 thanks to the wonderful road construction.  They were working on an intersection and they were letting all the traffic move three ways and were making the way come into town sit…we sat for 10 minutes before we got fed up and cut through a parking lot, because we had watch them let through a bunch of cars from three other directions that didn’t even have to sit a minute. 

So they let him take his test, and he made it past parallel parking so I was hopeful, and he came back and said that he didn’t pass, when I asked him why, he told me it was because he didn’t take his turns tight enough.  I couldn’t believe it, I was so upset, still am actually.  I couldn’t believe that they failed him over something so stupid, but at the same time, I am upset with Shannon, because that was something I have been trying to get him to work on for months and he just ignored me, telling me he was making around them just fine and to leave him alone.  It is frustrating because when I tried to help him he would get more and more angry with me and just wouldn’t listen anymore.  I am just so sick of it…and the next day that we could get him another test is not until June 10.  He better pass it then or he is going to be riding his bike to work.  There was no reason he should have failed today, he was doing fine with everything but his turns, and now he knows he should have been listening to me on it.  I guess sometimes somebody else needs to tell him. 

And then when we were leaving the center I was driving (he was an ass about that too and wouldn’t drive because he failed) and we were heading to Walmart when this red jeep came out of a side street, never even paused at the stop sign, went flying across the main road we were on.  I was going about the speed limit (45) and am glad I have new brakes because I was able to stop just inches from slamming into the side of the Jeep.  Somebody going the other way had to stop as well.  And the guy in the jeep didn’t even care, he actually flipped me off when I laid on my horn.  I was shaking the whole way up to Walmart.  

Shannon was mad at me when he went to work because I made him drive us there.  I am sorry, I wasn’t letting him get out of that, he is not going to not drive until his next test because he failed.  Nope, he has to pass it the next time, so he is going to drive.  Heading home I almost got into another accident at normal street when another Jeep (apparently Jeep drivers are incapable of driving today) decided to make a right hand turn against a red light when it was my right away.  My light was green, and I was going through the intersection when she just pulled in front of me, and she also flipped me off when I laid on my horn.  I am almost afraid to get in my car to drive to my final since I have almost gotten into 2 accidents.  At least I was going really slow at the second one, I had just rolled up to the intersection.  *grrr*


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May 11, 2010

ryn: lol That’s a very good idea!! Secretly, I feel a little silly taking picture of sock monkey temper tantrums, but the Monkey Maker gets a kick out of it and I love that he enjoys it. 🙂 So I try to exaggerate everything as much as possible!