Some People…

Some people should not be in a position of power, and Shannon’s boss is one of them. I understand that the students are gone and right now that drives labor up. But Shannon is supposed to be a manager, and he also has seniority time wise over almost everybody there, and other’s hours should be cut back before his.  He even has seniority over one of the other managers!  Still, his boss has cut his hours back farther and farther every week for the last three weeks.  We can not have this.  We count on his final paycheck of the month to pay our rent.  Last month it was a full $75 short, which doesn’t seem like a whole lot, but that was a week that was only shorted by a couple of hours.  She has cut him down from 40 a week all the way down to 24.  And he is full time? Since when was full time less than 35 hours a week.  And not only does this hurt us money wise, it is also endagering his vacation time, which we need sometimes.  I am getting so frustrated.  I hate seeing people who have only been there a year or so, get more hours then my husband, and then get told that he just costs them too much.  IT IS FUCKING FAST FOOD!  I would expect this happening at a factory in the current economy, but we aren’t talking brain surgery here.

Well, I guess I need to stop bitching and get my booty to work, since I am the only one making money to get us through the month…I can’t wait for school to start back up!

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