
 Why is it if somebody else screws up, it is my responsibility to fix it.  Why is nobody responsible for their own shit anymore?  I get home today and there is something on the steps to my porch.  Not by my door like packages usually are, but just on the steps.  I get my stuff from the car and take a look at it.  It is actually a pile of mail, and it is all my neighbor’s, you know, the violent ones that I will not go near unless there is no other way around it.  On top is a note that just says "Dog".  The dog downstairs has gotten increasingly more violent, and I know it is because they abuse it and don’t take care of it.  But that is not my fault.  I have gone to the post office, talked to them, put it in writing that we did not want their mail anywhere near our porch, that they have physically threatened us before.  It is bad enough that sometimes they stick an odd bill or so, but to put all the mail on our porch because of the dog is just plain annoying.  Especially since the mail man who is most afraid of the dog has spoken to me about this and he knows that I will not give them their mail.   And I have a friend who delivers mail and she told me that if there is a violent dog or unsafe conditions they are supposed to hold the mail for the next day, after a week then the owners have to come and get if, if of course the condition persists.  And by leaving the mail on our porch, if anything had happened to it then we would be responsible for it.  If we throw it away it is mail tampering.  If I just leave it there and it gets ruined, same thing, because it is left on our porch.  Explain how they can screw up so bad but it is my responsibility because it is "my property".  It is bull shit.  And I posted something to that effect on Facebook and I get  a comment from somebody who works for me, telling me to quit blaming the postman and tell the owners of the dog to start treating it right.  And she is well aware of the fact that I cannot be around them because they have physically laid their hands on us.  She knows all about what they do, she has heard my complaints.  I am sorry, but how is it my responsibility to make sure the dog is not violent, when it is not our dog.  I have complained to the landlord and and the police about the dog and unless he actually bites somebody they won’t even look into it.  I have to be able to prove the dog is being abused, which I can’t, I only hear things, but I have seen him get more and more violent, and I won’t let him get close enough to bite me.  He has lunged though and I was afraid he would bite me and he knows and recognizes me.  

I am getting quite tired of this employee too.  I considered her my friend, kept in touch after I had left this store, was excited to work with her when I came back.  I always thought she felt the same way but the last year has become worse and worse.  She tries to run everybody’s lives, including mine and gets mad when she can’t.  everybody is getting sick of being around her.  I just don’t know what to do any more.  I am just tired.

Oh blah…I guess I shoudl pay the car bill.

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September 16, 2013

That is pretty crappy. Maybe just return it all to sender.