I hate being the scape goat

I am so sick and tired of being the scapegoat for anything that goes wrong in the store.  Jan is trying to tell me that when I worked on Friday I either took or had stolen from me 10 packs of Marlboro.  First, I am sick of getting accused of stealing anything, especially cigarettes.  I don’t smoke, my husband doesn’t smoke, and I am not in the business of selling them off the side.  And I wasn’t the only one who worked Friday night, and am not happy that I am the one being accused.  And Renee says that the weekends she works the cigarettes are always screwed up, pretty much feels like she is accusing me.  I have had major problems with cigarettes on my weekends too, I just don’t go accusing her of stealing them!  When I left Friday night we were 6 packs of cigarettes short, but I thought it was just a miscalculation on my part, I had recounted and didn’t find anything, and I couldn’t recount the back because we got a delivery and the new cigarettes weren’t added in. I couldn’t just figure it out that way.  Now Jan is watching tape to see which one of us screwed up.  I have two things to say.  One, I don’t think she is going to find anything.  And two, cigarettes wouldn’t keep being messed up if she would put somebody with brains on Friday nights with me.  I am sorry, I have been with the company almost 9 years, and I feel I shouldn’t have to babysit somebody who has been on register for the last six months.  Even if I am up front, I shouldn’t have to be watching each transaction.  *growls*  I keep getting yelled at that both cashiers have to stay up front on a Friday night, but I am expected to get all this shit done for Renee that can’t be done at the register.  How do I do both? If I stay and don’t do the stuff I get in trouble, and if I go and do it I get in trouble…so what the fuck do I do?  I can not wait until I can quit this job…I hate this place, I hate this town, and I really hate Jan

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January 25, 2010

Ugh.. that’s insane! She obviously doesn’t know you very well if she’s going to keep accusing you of that crap. I hope she gets her act together and cuts out the accusations!

January 26, 2010

That is ridiculous. Hope you get a good opportunity soon.

February 1, 2010

ryn: Of course!! :)When you come for a visit, you can prove how well you know my town by leading the nature walk. lol Oooh..!! Teddy Bears! I’ll have to see what I can do with that. I’ve never had many teddy bears (lots of other stuffed things, though) so I’ll have to see what I can find. But that’s brilliant. 🙂 Let me know whenever you have ideas. I’m totally game! 11 more months of this!