Christmas was my favorite Holiday

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, every since I was a little girl.  I am weird, I actually like giving my gifts more then getting gifts and always have.  I used to spend hours picking out gifts for my mom and dad, my sisters and brother. I love making gifts and seeing the faces of those I give them to.  Of course, I have many who do not appreciate the gifts, are disappointed that it wasn’t something commercial, but I don’t care.  Most people like my gifts.

This year just doesn’t feel like Christmas to me.  I have hardly any gifts to give people, and have had a hard time finishing the gifts I have been working on.  I haven’t even started Olen’s gift yet and it is his first Christmas. 

One of the traditions I have recently really enjoyed is the day after Christmas celebration with my family.  This year I can’t, I have to work, since it is a Sunday and I am the only assistant.  I can’t go after either because in order to get Christmas eve off for the Titusville party, I have to work Monday for Mary Ann, which is fine.  It is just too much for me to work a 10 hour shift, drive to North East, do the family thing, drive home and try to sleep for another 4:30 am, 10 hour shift.  It is really hard on me.  My older sister seems to understand that.  She was bummed that we couldn’t do it because last year was so fun, but she didn’t make me feel guilty.  My younger sister, I really want to know what is going on with her.  I want to reach up and yank the stick out of her @$$.  She has texted me every day this week wanting to know what was going on, what, huh, huh?  I told her I work all weekend, including Monday.  She texted me today, asking me what was going on this weekend.  I told her, the same thing I have been telling you all week, I work all weekend I am not coming out after work.  Christmas day I have to work until 1:30 and close at 9pm.  I asked her when she worked Monday and Tuesday.  I get done by 2:30 Monday.  Amber only works until 6.  I told her the family could get together then.  She won’t do it, she is being a brat.  Doesn’t want to have to do anything after she gets off work.  But it is okay to ask me to drive to NE (I asked them to come here, she didn’t want to do that either, too far to drive, funny I have to drive the same distance to go there), after working all day, and having to work in the morning.  She has a 6 hour shift, me a 10.  I don’t get it.  I am trying not to flip out on her.  She has been so selfish lately.  Ever since Mom told us about her money problems, she has become more and more selfish.  It is her way or no way.  I am getting tired of it.  I am really tired of having to be the one to go the extra mile.  I don’t know what happened to her, I can’t believe we are from the same family.  I am pretty sure that I am the milkman’s kid or something, because I am nothing like any of my siblings. I am so sick of it.  

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December 24, 2010
