StOp TaLkIn ShIt 4 ReAl HoW oLd R u

OK, well people are gay!!  People talk so much shit its not funny!!  Well lets see, Im not gonna use any names or anything, but someone told Leah and Nate was the one that said him and I f**ked in Leahs room and she couldnt get in.  No Im sorry….we never did anything at her house so people can blow it out there a**!!  And then the same person is makin Nate come out as the bad guy, like everyones problems are Nates fault.  No Im sorry, you cause your problems YOURSELF!!  I mean I cant take this s**t anymore!!  Im still trying to cope with the fact that we arent together and we cant be together till like June.  So yeah people just need to back off, and leave him and I alone….along with Amanda.

Ok, thats all said and done….HaPpY hAlLoWeEn everyone!!  Sorry its a lil late!!

Last night was crazy.  Leah, Justin and I all went to Cdga. and  stuff….then we went and drove past Petes and we ended up on Palmyra.  We went to go visit her Grandma’s grave, and just outta no where these 2 cars showed up flashing there lights at us.  Leah and J both jumped into the car and when Leah was backin up she hit a head stone and tilted it.  She felt bad but we were all so scared.  I mean the cars came out of absolute NO WHERE!!  Then I came home and talked to Pete….hes so amazing!!

Tomorrow I get my computer fixed….yay!!  So then it might actually work straight.  Well Im gonna go and watch 2 Fast 2 Furious with B!!  PLCG!!

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November 1, 2003

hey hun! i would have been scared too if light came out of nowhere! but yeah palmyra is pretty close to fort you should’ve came and visited! hehehe you probablly could’ve asked anyone on the street where i lived and they would tell ya because yeah everyone knows me! I have a bad rep here well have to go buh bye luv yaz Ashley Ann