Paging Dr. Manda…

Ok, so the last thing anyone had read from me was that Riley might have the H1N1 virus. Well no test were ran but jeez, someone needs to figure out something. However, OWEN also has gotten sick. They both have had the 104 degree fever, diarrhea, congestion, runny nose, cough, they wont really eat, but they are drinking. I make sure they have a full cup of either juice [in the day] or water [at bed time] plastered to there hands. They went to the doctor yesterday and they both have ear infections too. Riley is on amox. and Owen is on something new. They have him on Biaxin.

Anyways, the reason for the title is because I took Owen to Urgent Care the night before. I couldn’t get his fever down. I got there and registered at 5:31. We didn’t get called back until 8 that night. We get back there, and the nurse did the pulse and O2 check. His pulse was 75 and his O2 went from 94% down to 87% in a matter of a minute. She didn’t seem concerned. I was losing it. His fever was board line 103 and still nothing. We got put into an exam room and I was walking back and forth for 15 minutes before the doctor even showed up. By this time Owen is asleep. The doctor listened to his lungs and he said they were clear. Then he went and checked his ears. He looked once and then said “why don’t you look. What do you see?” I was like I don’t know what the hell to look for. He the was like “just look. Is it red to you?” I don’t know what I was looking at. I seen a lot of wax, but he said he had an infection. Had nothing to say about is O2 level. We didn’t get out of there until 8:30. I called OUR doctor and they confirmed the ear infections.

Riley is doing a little better today. Owen not so well. He still has the fever, doesn’t want to eat, and his eye look like he took 2 handfuls of salt and rubbed his eyes. I called the doctor again today and if he still is like this tomorrow I have to call them back and they’ll want to see him again. This is because he’s been on the Biaxin for some time and it should have made some what of a difference. I’ll let you all know.

Um, I’m going to end this little blurb. I’m talking to Leah at the moment via MyspaceIM. Love to all.

♥ Amanda

Amanda Keyser
amanda keyser
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I am just getting over H1N1 and now my mom has it.. it’s awful!!! I hope the kiddos get better soon and that you don’t catch it!

November 5, 2009

Ugh, no good, hope they feel better asap! It’s so rough when your kids are sick. 🙁 WTF with the doctor?!? Why he is asking you what YOU see? Are you not paying HIM to look?! Weird.

Hope they are better soon xx