In the mist of the news, I forgot some things….

So when I wrote about my ultrasound I just told you all the most important thing. That there are 2 instead of one. I left out some rather important things, so I am going to put them in this entry.

There were 2 heart beats. The technician was about to pick it up and both of there heartbeats are 155bpm. We also have a length. They’re about 1.16cm long…which makes them not bigger than a grain of rice. The way they looked on the ultrasound, it looks like they are NOT fused together. There are 2 seperate sacks which makes me happy. Twin A is a little more to the right and Twin B is a little more to the left. They’re right next to each other, but seperated which makes my heart happy. I go back to the doctor on Thursday and they are going to do the whole examination. What the hell am I going to expect that day? This is going to be my first ‘prenatal’ exam and I have no clue what to expect…a little help?

When I seen that the babies had a better heart beat than the first one [the first on only had a heart beat of only 71bpm] I was so happy. I’m also 8 weeks along which means 3 weeks longer than the first. I’m starting to lighten up a little and enjoy the fact that not only am I pregnant, I am being blessed with 2.

Pat is still in the “holy shit” phase. After I got off the phone with him on Friday, seeing that I called him at work and dropped the news on him there, he ran through the factory over to where his mother was and told her. By the end of Friday night everyone knew that Pat and I are having twins. I got home that night, came in the door, Pat stood up, I walked to him and he gave me the biggest hug I have had from him in a long time. I do believe I seen a couple of tears. Our set of twins are the first on both his mothers and fathers side, the 2nd set on my dad’s side and the first on my moms. He’s rather proud of himself. It’s also so great to see that he does have emotional feelings. At time I don’t have any clue in what he’s feeling at all, but when he shows it I can’t help but be in love with him. When I go to bed at night he kisses me and tells me good night and then puts his hand on my tummy and tells the babies night. And when we aren’t with each other he says to me to be safe and to get the babies safe. He’s going to be a good dad.

On another subject…I called off my wedding in May. Even though it hurt to do so I had to do it. It just felt like we weren’t getting married for the right reasons. His mother, oh lord, I swear that woman is going to put me in an earlier grave than my unborn children will. Anyways, I was folding laundry Saturday night and she comes out and says “you know what you guys should do, you guys should go in front of a JP and get married.” I flew outta the laundry room and asked why we had to get married right away, and that was when I said I couldn’t get married for 4 reasons.

  • Reason 1: Can’t afford it.
  • Reason 2: I’ll be 7 months along come May.
  • Reason 3: I want to wear the dress I picked.
  • Reason 4: I want to do for the right reasons. Not because I’m pregnant.
  • In the beginning all Pat and I were doing was talking about it. Then it got pushed and it was almost like it was going to be a shot-gun wedding and I refuse to do that. So I told him give me 1.5-2 years, after the kids are old enough to participate then we’ll get married. Even though I know he was hurt because if we had it his way, him and I would’ve been married yesterday, I just had to postpone it. Pat says as long as we do end up married he doesn’t care when. I’m just happy he was understanding.

    Well I am going to go for now. Until next time…toodles!!

    ♥ Amanda

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    .The Angel.

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    December 18, 2006

    I still can’t believe it’s twins. I’m so excited for you. =) Yeah, I’m getting excited. Sometimes 9 weeks seems like it’s not very long, but others it seems like I still have FOREVER to go. I really wish it’d go by faster. ♥

    I can understand your reasons for calling the wedding off. It shall be hard to wait, but it sounds as though you have a good head on your shoulders 🙂 P.S. – I left you a present 😉

    December 18, 2006

    I am so jealous and excited at the same time! I would have given anything to have a set of twins 🙂 🙂 🙂 xoxox You are so blessed!!! xoxoxo

    Aww congratulations! I added you to my favorites.. I hope that’s okay!

    December 18, 2006

    At a first visit they will do a pap test, ask medical history, weigh you, get a urine sample,try for heartbeat through doppler,measure your fundus(uterus), check blood pressure and send you to get a whack of blood tests done!Lots of great That is great news that the babies seem to be doing so good! It must be so shocking and exciting! I am so excited for you! Yay!!!!

    congrats.. that must be exciting. Twins run in my family… and my name is also Amanda:D

    December 18, 2006


    December 18, 2006

    I don’t want to sound rude, but. Do you think having babies with someone is less of a commitment than getting married? wow…. Congrats on twins!! My aunt had twin girls :o)

    December 18, 2006

    Saw you on the front page. I am a twin…if my mom had read the news she would say to you “Ooooooooh….goooood luck!!!” Double Trouble is an understatement!! 😉 But I think I turned out juuuust fine!! 🙂 Congrats on the twins!

    December 19, 2006

    yay cant wait to see your pics 🙂

    December 19, 2006

    That’s SUPER exciting girl!!!! Ohh I can’t wait to see pictures now!! haha!!! Hope you’re doing alright, sorry I haven’t been able to keep up… ** but I did catch up all right now! haha**

    I had twins too. And I found out early like you did. You are doing the RIGHT thing. Don’t get married just because you are pregnant. You and Pat will be connected now forever because of your wonderful babies. There will always be time to get married. You are right for not listening to his mother. Again, you are right for putting your foot down about her being there and her overbearing existance in your relationship.

    i saw you on the front page, and i just wanted to give you a big congratulations!

    December 19, 2006

    When I was pregnant my bf’s mom was on the same warpath. I refused to get married just because I was pregnant, it just seemed like we were taking that step for all the wrong reasons. I can relate 🙂 Have a Merry Christmas!

    Congratulations. We were pregnant with twins in my first pregnancy but lost twin B along the way. Hope you have a wonderful remaining 8 months.

    December 19, 2006

    hey i saw you on the front page! congrats! thats so exciting!! 🙂 im gonna add you to my favs you seem like a cool girl

    December 19, 2006

    i saw you on the front page and i want to say congrats 🙂 Also i think you are right to wait to get married until you guys are ready. 🙂

    December 19, 2006

    Im a random reader. I saw in the Latest News that your due date is around July 31st. My birthday is July 31st, and I love my birthday. Perfect weather, stuff to do … Congrats to you and your family!!

    December 19, 2006

    I saw your news on the front page. 🙂 Congrats!

    Congrats on your babies! Hope your pregnancy goes well.

    December 19, 2006

    Well. Congrats!! 2 babies!!

    December 19, 2006

    Congats! I can’t wait to have another…no rush though! lol I wish I could have twins! I want LOTS of kids! lol *HUGS*

    I saw you on the front page. CONGRATULATIONS! That’s exciting!!

    December 19, 2006

    i saw you on the front page and read a couple of your entries. im adding you to my favorites. congrats, by the way 🙂

    Saw you on the front page and wanted to say congrats about the twins. Also i think you are doing the right thing by not getting married just cause your pregnant. Do it when you two are ready cause it’s y’alls day. I hope it’s ok that i add you to my faves 🙂

    December 19, 2006

    Congrats to you and your fiance!! Saw it on the front page… 😀 You both sound very deserving of such beautiful gifts!!!

    December 19, 2006

    Ryn-Are you super excited??? I would be!!

    December 19, 2006

    I added you! 🙂 Yeah, the wedding planning is going okay, I think I’m on track as far as the planning goes, but I wouldn’t be anywhere without the help of my mom! Once we get to the new year, it will be much easier to think about that. Christmas time is so crazy!

    RYN: I wasnt trying to make you feel like a bad person, is that how you feel? Like a bad person? Maybe you should, and an extremely selfish one too. Did you ever think that your miscarriage could have been a sign that you are NOT meant to be pregnant right now? I dont think the miscarriage meant “Oh, try again!” No. I guess my note was really bitchy, for that I apologize. It just makes mesad sometimes. I have alot of friends who were teen parents who have gone through and are going through hell. Yes, I wish the best for you and your family. I still find it a little bit sad though. So, yeah.. I was just in a bitchy mood this morning too. Im sure you know what its like. I guess it wasnt very nice of me to leave that note. I just hope that you can give your children the world, they deserve it. All children do. umm.. thats all….. =/

    December 19, 2006

    RYN: That’s fine… I’m gonna add you also 🙂

    December 19, 2006

    ryn: Sure, I don’t mind if you put me on your list. 🙂 Iba

    December 19, 2006

    Ryn-I’ll be glad when I get pregnant with the next ONE!!!

    December 19, 2006

    it will all work out. hugs and prayers

    December 19, 2006

    ryn – oh internet sucks sometimes, haha.

    Those reasons seem right to me for wanting to hold off. It is better then my reason, and Ben accepts its. I really appreciate it. 🙂 I’d give you some advise about the visit next week… but I don’t have any idea! Lol

    December 19, 2006

    i love you and i’m so glad that you’re having a baby…..well, TWINS!!! You’ll have to keep me informed and I wanna be there when you have them!

    December 19, 2006

    Ryn-Well, it isn’t so much I wouldn’t love twins, but I have been TTC almost 10 months now and I would just be ECSTATIC if I got pregnant again.

    December 20, 2006

    Congratulations! xxx

    Congratulations on twins, thats wonderful!

    December 20, 2006

    random noter… congratulations!!!!!

    December 20, 2006

    Saw your announcement on the front page. I had a similar experience last January… DH and I got pregnant on our honeymoon, but miscarried at 9.5 weeks. We got pregnant again around last Thanksgiving and were allowed an early ultrasound right after New Year’s. That’s when we first “saw” our boys. Twins are a lot of work, but they are a lot of fun too. Good luck with your pregnancy!

    December 20, 2006

    I had reasons #1 and #4. And now, our child is 4 and we still aren’t married. However, we are still as happy as the day we met 🙂

    I left you a present. Congrats on the babies.

    December 20, 2006

    congrats on the twins! im going to add you to my favs

    Oh how exciting, you requested me to add you!!: ) I just DID!! 🙂 I am keeping my notes on public diaries private, cuz 2 nasty women created a diary war with me a while back, and then, I mysteriously got 3 diaries deleted & even lost someone money for a gift subscription. It took the OD Master over a month to re-instate my OD+. Anyway, come over and visit! I am OLD< lol, 63, a gramma & great gramma!!!:) I love Jesus and God & people!!!!!!! big hugzz<–my signoff trademark. 🙂

    December 20, 2006

    Random noter: Congrats on the babies!!! I was going to tell you what to expect, but someone else pretty much said all of it for me haha. Congrats =)

    December 20, 2006

    Saw you on the front page and just wanted to say congrats on the twins! That is such exciting news and I bet you are just thrilled! Congrats again!