I *f o u n d* my Shane West!!

I found my Shane West!!:) Hes in Nate. Nate is the most *A M A Z I N G* person that I could ever meet. I am so glad we are together. I am going to see him tomorrow, and I am so excited. I just love to be in his arms, and to hear him say that he ‘loves me more’ is so…OMG that I cant explain it in words.

Anyways, my mom gave me a BIG lecture yesterday, and I almost did get to go to Nates. My grades are slippin, and she FiPpEd out on me. She made me call all my teachers and get all the back homework that I could hand in and get credit for. But she told me after I did that, that I could go to Nates but I had to be home AT 7. Which only gave me an hour and a half to 2 hours with him, but its better than nothing.

Well I am gonna go. He should be callin me soon and I cant wait.



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