Goodbye 2003, Hello 2004!!!!
Well its 2004!! This year started off really good. Leah and I went and chilled last night. It was mad fun. I loved it. We watched the ball drop and stuff. Its crazy, her and I have been friends now for 5 years. Even though last month has been really shitty between her and I we ended up makin it through.
Anyways, last night we went to Petes!! I met Irene and her fiance Josh, and Homer and Gordon were there as well. Stuff was going all good till Gordon just went off his rocker on Leah so Pete flipped a shit and was ready to shoot him. Pete cried. For 12 years he hasnt shed a tear!! But he said that he was glad that I was there. When 12 hit he kissed me and him and Homer made a toast with champagne and Homer said in his part of the toast “good luck with new long and happy relationships”. That was towards Leah and me. Since Pete and I are a thing and Homer and Leah and a thing. Then Leah and I made a toast with champagne to our graduation and we had a great time. Pete and I spent a lil time together. He was a mess, but he was so happy I was there. I almost told him that I loved him last night. Im getting very attached to him. But im scared shitless!! So yeah.
Well Im gonna go and get a shower cause Ive been cleaning with mom all day long. PLCG!!
Hey Hun! happy new year! buh bye luv yaz Ashley Ann
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