Ok for the next couple of entries theyre all going to be surveys. I got really bored today and just did one after another!!
1)…..Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Nope
2)…..Skipped class because it was raining: Nope
3)….Put a body part on fire for amusement: Uh
4)…..Been hurt emotionally: Yeppers
5)…. Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
6)….Had an imaginary friend: Yeah
7)….Cried during a Movie: Only during certain movies
8)….Had a crush on a teacher:
9)….Thought a cartoon character was hot: Yes
10)….Been on stage: OoO yeah!!
11) …Cut your own hair: All the time
12. Shampoo: Herbal Essences
13. Soap or shower gel: Both
Uh what a great question dont you think
15. Day/Night: Night
16. Summer/Winter: Summer
Again, what a great question
18. Fav cartoon Character(s): Hey Arnold
19. Fav Food: Mac N Cheese
20. What is your fav comedy: Any movie with Jimmy Carey or The Blue Collar Comedy
21. Fav TV Show: The Tracey Morgan Show
22. Fav Ice Cream: Cookie Dough
23. Fav Subject: English
24. Fav Persons to talk to online: Pete or Leah
——————RIGHT NOW———
25. Wearing: Black pants and shirt, with my A necklace, my rings and my bracelets
26. Hair: Down, brushed and blow dried
27. Last thing I ate: M&M cookies
28. Thinking about: YAY PETE CALLED ME!!
Again, what a great question
30. Went to school today: Nope
31. Met someone new: Not recently
32. Cleaned your room: Not today
—————YOU BELIEVE IN—————-
33. Yourself: Sometimes
34. Your friends: Sometimes
35. Angels: Yes
36. Ghosts: Yes
37. God: Not the Christian God
38. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
39. Like any one: YES!!
40. Who’s the shyest: I cant think of anyone at this point in time
41. Who’s the weirdest:
all I can do is laugh
42. Who do you go to for advice: Leah, Whit, and Pete
43. When do you cry the most: At night
44. What’s the worst thing in the world: Being so close to someone that you can touch them, but every time you go to touch them they are always at least 2 inches away