8 Week Ultrasound

Today was the day for the weekly ultrasound and the verdict is….

Baby looks absolutely amazing!

I’ve got the drill down these days and was all ready to go.  We discussed my weird results on the hcg and how strange it is while I was getting situated.  Start the scan and she says right away – She’s still got a heart beat, can I measure first?  Absolutely.  That’s all I need to patiently wait for “my turn”.  She’s measuring 8 weeks 0 days.  So, still 2 days behind but a week ahead of last – so perfect weekly growth.  Heart Rate of 163 BPM.  Again, perfect and strong.

Then she let me look when she was done measuring – Baby is busy moving away and already having a party in there.  It was super neat to see how much she’s grown in a week and how active she is.  Her little heart was flickering away on the screen.  She pointed out where the brain is growing and also the spinal cord that we can see already.  So, crazy something so tiny is so perfectly human already.  I’m in love and seriously cannot wait until the day I get to meet this little baby.

They still haven’t posted my ultrasound results in the patient portal.  Obviously, I know the basics.  I wanted to see the exact measurements of the SCH.  It definitely looks smaller in the ultrasound – well it’s not as wide and has thinned out but looks a little longer.  I can clearly see it in the pictures.  However, I wanted the information and statistics.  I have NO idea why they’re taking so long to write it up and post.  It’s actually really strange.  I normally have results in an hour.

I did get my HCG results though – 20,000 something.  So, we’ve increased 9,000 points in the last 7 days.  Still not doubling.  Still nowhere near as high as most people.  However, she’s still doing great so it’s officially irrelevant.  It’s crazy how vastly different these numbers can be from one person to the next.  Definitely proves to now follow textbook answers or what is “normal”.

That’s about my full update.  Now to wait for my clinic to call to tell me if they’re discharging me or I can have another ultrasound next week.  I’m assuming they’ll discharge me but we will see.  If so, I have nothing scheduled until 9/26 and 9/27 for another ultrasound and a 12 week OB appointment.  (So, fingers crossed they let me stay around and do more ultrasounds in the meantime.  I’m REALLY enjoying watching this baby girl grow each week.)

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September 1, 2023

Mazel tov to you and Max! 😀 ♥

September 10, 2023

I hope they will let you stay for more ultrasounds.  I’m so happy to read how well she’s doing…very good news.

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