7DP5DT – We’re having a baby!

The title says it ALL.

7DP5DT – essentially 12 DPO – And the tests are POSITIVE.  Like TWO lines.  It’s real.

I got a VVVVVVVVVFL Saturday (5DP).  Like so faint I accepted there was no line and noticed hours later there actually was a slight something.  Assumed it was an indent/evap and moved on.

Sunday morning repeated peeing on a stick.  I’m good at this after the last two decades.  One minute in – White.  Yep, another failure.  Wonderful.  Picking up my stuff and glance back down at the three minute mark – TWO LINES.  For real.  TWO!

Today, still two lines.  Slightly a little more pink.  Not a ton, but slightly.

I cannot believe at least one of these little babies stuck.  I’m dumfounded.  We transferred two.  I’m going to assume it’s the female that is hanging around to become my beautiful, perfect daughter.  It could be the male, but he’s far less likely.  I’m so freaking excited.  I cannot wait to find out which baby it is and make sure he/she is healthy and perfect.  Cannot wait to see and hear the heartbeat.  To see it’s little body moving around.  And, to someday, hold this sweet, precious soul I’ve waited WAY too long for.

Of course, a million things could still go wrong.  We need to make it to 13 weeks before I even begin to buy stuff and be crazy excited.  I’m so freaking hopeful though.  We’ve made it this far.  This baby cannot leave me now.  No.  Freaking.  Way.  Essentially, 9 more weeks to go before I can begin to breathe.  Until then though, I’m trying to just stay positive and optimistically plan for the moment I meet my baby.  That’s it.  Just happiness and excitement.

Wednesday will be blood draws.  I’ll repeat blood draws on Friday assuming I have a positive beta – But I’ve got obviously positive home tests so I can’t imagine why not.  If both those are good next up will be an ultrasound weekly for a few weeks.  Then eventual discharge to my OB somewhere around 10 weeks.  I’m hoping the fertility clinic will keep me until the last possible second so I can continue to get very frequent ultrasounds.

I did it.  We did it….  I am seriously pregnant and have a REAL baby growing in there!

(P.S. I also feel AWFUL already.  I’m terrified I’ll have HG again.  But, I don’t care.  I’ll take every ounce of misery and puking to hold this baby in my arms!!!!!!)

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