INFJ *Drunk *My Type *Sober Now: Friend Breakups

There is literally not a single phrase in this description that doesn’t apply directly to what I know of DW.

I just asked him if he’s an INFJ and haven’t heard back but I totally don’t even need to ask.

We talked more.  Half-assed conclusions were reached.  Apologies were made.  Sincere ones.  I don’t know where I’m at right now but I don’t feel the weight on my shoulders anymore, so there’s no immediate reason for me to leave.


* Just got drunk with my ex-coworker, heard her talk about making out with her married coworker.  She’s engaged, he’s married.  I also had a crush on him for the better part of two years and jealousy kicked in hardcore.  Like, fuck you, I’m smarter than her and whatever.  Whatever.  Like I want a married man to cheat with me, right?  But there it is.  And now I can never hang out with him again because.  I dunno.  The reason married men are less appealing to me than unmarried men is because if I were to date someone who cheated on his wife, I would never ever trust that person.  I lost all of my respect for him tonight.  I can’t be friends with someone like that.  Especially since his wife is so fucking awesome.  Like, why?  Fuck you.  I would have stopped liking you if you made out with me, even.  But the jealousy/loss of respect combo is… confusing.

I don’t know.

I had such a weird, just-moved-here-and-haven’t-been-exposed-to-any-males-in-my-life thing for him.  Even though I later realized I would never want to date him.  It’s just.  I don’t know.  His wife was there tonight and it breaks my heart to know she doesn’t know this.  To know she trusts him and has no idea.  Fuck him.  Fuck everything about him.  I never want to hang out with him again.

Fuuuuuuuuck Katrina had us do shots so I’m super fucked up.  I haven’t been this drunk since… Heh.  Since the LAST time I hung out with the Kord Blood Kidz.  They’re all alcoholics.  This isn’t me anymore.  It’s nice to know.  But still.  I’m drunk as shit right now and that bothers me.

DW is probably gonna hang out with me later.  Dunno.  Don’t care.  Kinda wish he wouldn’t so I could get high, but.  I dunno.

I wish he could do anything other than talk about his dog when he’s high.  Otherwise we could share this.  But he literally ONLY talks about his dog.  So it’s like.  I can’t even smoke around him in case he wants some because I don’t want to listen to (literally) an hour of him talking about how his dog likes wet food and sheds a lot and is cute.  I’ve fucking heard these things.  If you wanna obsess about your dog, at least be original, ya know?  But he’s not.  Because all he ever thinks about is how his dog likes wet food and sheds a lot and is cute.

Fuck that.  I have too many original thoughts to explore to pretend I wanna hear that for the third time this week.

Fuck everything.

But aside from cheating on her boyfriend and making out with a dude I had a hardcore crush on for two years, it’s NICE to hang out with Katrina.  I can take the walls down and just TALK to her.  I miss that feeling.  The emotional freedom of talking without worrying if someone’s judging you.  It’s the appeal of Jamie as well.  I just… need to find that with people I also have deep respect for, and then I’ll have a legit friend base.  That’s all I want.


* Right, most of you asked what I am.  INTP, all the way, baby.

Well.  Not ALL the way.  I feel like I’m more intuitive than most INTP descriptions give me credit for, but.  That was a learned behavior.  It’s still a constant struggle for me to decide to trust my instincts over logic.  I’m always borderline INTJ.  Because… I don’t LIKE the P in me.  (Har har.)  I just.  I want to be analytical.

Because my dad told me women have feelings and feelings make you stupid/evil.

Not even evil.

Because evil requires intelligence.

Stupid and manipulative.

I want to be more analytical than I am.  Less instinct-based.

But I AM super intuitive.  I know EXACTLY what’s going on with people.  Almost immediately.  I just don’t trust it. Don’t believe it.  Because I’m terrified of becoming exactly what DW accused me of being.

And even though he apologized and explained he was pulling that from internal reactions to shit, it’s still there.  It will always be there.  Every time I express an emotion.

And I’ll never believe him when he tells me he loves me.  Never.

Oh well.

Relationships, AM I RIGHT?!


* Recently tried friend-breaking up with English because.  Well.  He’s annoying now.  Now that he’s fully committed to a Zen/determinist lifestyle, you can’t have a conversation with him because words mean nothing.  But he’ll still start arguments about perceived truths, and then when you argue back he’s just like "THERE IS NO TRUTH, SO IT’S POINTLESS TO TRY TO FIGURE IT OUT LULZ."  Then why’d you start the conversation, motherfucker?  So I was like, "you can’t have it both ways.  ALL ways."  And he was like, "But I can!  That’s the beauty of it!"

Yeah, but it makes it utterly pointless to talk to you.  Which I said.  I said I can’t talk to someone who (A) doesn’t make any linear sense and doesn’t care to, and (B) spends all of our conversations trying to convince me that I’m wrong and he’s right and I need to think in exactly the same way he does to find peace.

So he seemed okay with my decision not to talk to him anymore, and NOW he’s back to sending me links that are supposed to change my life and make me give up the meaning of words.

Sending them in e-mails.  You know.  Those written articles.  Hahaha.

It just makes me want to slap the shit out of him, ya know?  I can’t block his e-mails but I can send them directly to spam if I want.  Not sure I’m willing to do that, in case he eventually sends an e-mail that like "btw I have cancerAIDS," but ugh, I don’t even want to be exposed to him anymore because he’s SO FUCKING ANNOYING.

So that’s it!

DW came over, we had lots of great sex except I was mostly too drunk to enjoy it and it lasted a long time and now I’m in some paaaaaaaaain, but it was good anyway because it’s been a week and I’m a fucking addict so a week is a long time.


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May 17, 2013

Unnnggffhhhh INFJs x(

Oh hey, I’m supposed to be one of those. Glad you worked things out a little. 🙂

and what’s your personality type?

May 17, 2013
May 17, 2013

Meh. These things are a bit like any other sort of divination: good at focusing your thoughts on a subject by putting them into words for you, but ultimately, that’s usually not much of a problem anyway.

May 17, 2013

I took this test: and got ISFJ. But I did go through it pretty fast…I don’t know that I’m really kind and passionate. ~I’ll be

May 17, 2013

I’m an intj

May 17, 2013

LOL- I have INFJ dungeons and dragons characters.

I always blame both parties when there’s been an infidelity. The cheater, and the person cheated with, because they know someone’s cheating and they’re allowing it. (If indeed they do know.) We need to be allies with each other, not encourage others to hurt and deceive. I’m really judgmental when it comes to ethics. I think your jealousy is pretty understandable though, even if you neverwould have allowed it to happen. If someone you were hot for was going to cheat, you (and by “you” I mean the general public you, not just YOU-you) want to feel like they’d choose you, even if you know you’d say “get lost.” You want them to WANT to cheat with you, haha. Like, “I don’t want to go to your party, but I want to be invited,” that kind of deal.

May 17, 2013

I do usually recognize fellow intj. however, I’ve always found the concept of intp or infj to be very unclear. I have read their description many times and still find the 3rd and 4th letters to be much less clear cut than the first two. maybe the difference between j and p is that P can grasp the difference!!! T and F are somewhat understandable but the J and P are letters that I decided long ago are so nebulous as to be essentially ignored. If you could clarify it for me (as a P who obviously knows what you are, and knows that I was the other) I’d be quite grateful!

May 17, 2013

Hey stranger, it’s been a while 🙂 Interesting that I came back after you wrote this entry – I’ve been into MBTI for a while. I’m a pretty clear cut INTJ, which surprises no one who knows me.

May 17, 2013

I’m an INTP! According to My co-overlord of the universe, who is an INTJ, INTPs leave cabinets open all the time, and INTJs hate that. I just went in my kitchen and 3/4 of my cabinets are open. *shrugs* Oh well! LOL

I just took the test that Yours For Now linked, and I got INFP. My description makes sense, but I’m not like, STRUCK by it or anything. I feel like I have a lot of contradictions and complexity within my own self. Like, I am extraordinarily introverted, but as soon as people start laughing at my jokes I become hyper-extraverted and center-of-attenion-y. And then as soon as the crowd leaves I needto be a hermit for about 3 months, heh. 😛 Also, I’m highly emotional and intuitive/perceptive BUT I love analyzing things and picking them apart for fun. This doesn’t bother me at all, in fact it makes my life that much more colorful, but it makes taking tests like this really hard.

May 18, 2013

I took the test in “yours for now” note. I’ve never actually heard about these personality types. :/ Apparently I’m an INTJ o0 hmm, ~reads about it~ And I think I’ma add an entry ..

May 18, 2013

Oh. According to the website you linked, my score seems super accurate for me, also. ~I’ll be

May 18, 2013

“need to think in exactly the same way he does to find peace” peace is overrated. I’d rather find someone to love and lust and become one with. Peace is the consolation prize if you can’t find that someone.

Wait, “words mean nothing”? What exactly does that mean? Oh wait, he can’t explain it, because he’d have to use words, har har.

May 19, 2013

INTP club! I knew we had shit in common.

May 19, 2013

Do you think being an INTP affects whether you like anal???? 🙂

May 20, 2013

To True Confessions: J and P are actually very different. Js are very stubborn and convinced of the rightness of their opinions, and they like structure, they like things defined. Ps are more flexible, both in their opinions and in adapting to life.

May 21, 2013

I’m a LOWB, on my personality test. Weird.