Adult Fail #7347240720454222222232314 *$$$s

I think that maybe the post office decided I no longer live here because I haven’t checked my mail in.


I’m not even gonna tell you because the number is not even in  an acceptable measurement of time.

So yeah whatever fine it’s probably been like three months.


But i bought Alicia a birthday present and realized if they mail it USPS, I might not even get it unless I check my mail.

But yeah whatever anyway la la la no big deal, that’s fixable, just embarrassing and I hope I don’t have, like.  Letters telling me about deaths of family members or some shit.  Ha ha, wow, I don’t know if there’s anyone I would care about enough for that to matter, unless it was mom or dad I guess.

Anyway to off-set the horrendous non-adulthood that just happened, gonna make me some of this and this and have The Bro + Co and maybe Ben over to eat it om nom nom nom, mainly cos (A) MOTHERFLIPPING PUMPKIN TIME and (B) they’re cheap, low prep times, stuff I will eat later, etc.  By the way guys, I’m kind of in love with that site since [IFellAsleepOnMyArm] linked to a tortellini recipe I made.  It was hella cheap and easy and actually tasted good WHAAAAT.  And it’s a good middle ground between "totally canned, totally instant, totally processed" and "buy fresh Everything and dry seasoning is banned and spend three hours prepping it and then let most of the (freaking expensive) ingredients waste away in your fridge because you don’t know what else to use them for."  And it seems really fucking hard to find that middle ground, so this is a really nice starting point to get me back into cooking without feeling more expensive and wasteful than eating out every night.  Hooray!

Oh, I guess Ben and I are fine.  It seems fine now.  Who knows?  Dumb fight, I was drunker than I thought and drunker than he knew about and whatever, maybe I wasn’t worried about it even when I thought we were over because I knew we really weren’t–that this issue, whatever the fuck it is, hasn’t reached the surface yet enough for me to even consider acting on it.  

And shit, maybe it’s just a non-issue.  Can’t tell the difference these days, SUPER tired of trying to figure it out, so I’m just gonna pop some Excedrin and grocery shop and continue living because I can’t even muster an emotion other than general contentment with my life.

So…. Is that what emotional health feels like?  Not avoiding stressful thoughts, but simply not having them?  Allowing life to happen to you and not feeling the urge to push it away for any reason, even though you know it might go wrong?

I dunno, could just be insanity.  ONLY TIME WILL TELL.


EDIT 2: Oh man, wanted to mention the money thing–y’all all dropped some numbers on me about what you make, like "holy shit I can’t believe that salary maaaaaaan" and you’re TOTALLY RIGHT.  Like, first of all, I lucked the fuck out hardcore.  Second, it’s kind of crazy how much more expensive it is to live here than in, say, my home town (or even home city, really).  And I’d say MOST of that money is food-related.  It’s just simply more expensive to buy things here.  I always forget how MUCH more until I take a trip back home and it’s like "8 gallons of ___ for 30 cents" and I just shit myself.

It took me a long-ass time to handle it, but now I’d never go back.  I like having the option to buy good food, honestly.  Oh, rent is more expensive here too, though I srsly lucked out.  I know one of y’all has a studio apartment for I think 800 a month?  In a place that CLEARLY DOESN’T ADJUST PAY RATES TO THAT KIND OF RENT, jesus, because like, I pay $745 for my 700 sq. ft. one-bedroom.

Now, granted, a LOT of people have told me what an amazing deal this is, and I literally haven’t ever seen/heard of someone paying less (or even an equal amount) for this size apartment.  But even so, my bro and his wife were in a slightly smaller one bedroom for 800-850, and the only reason it was that much is cos it allowed dogs (which is a serious commodity ’round these parts).

My highest paying job in CO was an even 11 an hour, and that’s only because they were literally FORCED by corporate to "hire" me into a manager’s position–i.e., pretend to be CSM when they couldn’t really spare the time to have me up there, so I would just pretend to know how to do the job when the DMs would come in.  Before that I never made more than… Hm.  Maybe like 8 bucks an hour?  9 at most?

So then I move here and I start a freaking temp job in a mail room and the temp place throws 12 an hour at me and I’m like ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS YES PLEASE HOLY SHIT I’M GONNA BUY ALL THE THINGS INCLUDING A YACHT.

And when I was paying half this much in rent, I was stacking up the savings, for sure.  But even then, it was largely cos I was eating pasta every night and never buying anything.  As soon as I stopped eating the same thing every night, my savings tanked, credit card debt went up, and before I recognized exactly how different the prices were, I moved into an apartment that costs twice as much.

So basically, EVEN FOR SEATTLE I’m now making a pretty decent chunk of change for the job I’m doing (especially considering insurance is practically free and oh yeah, this job required no experience), but I guess if I were to mentally adjust it to where I used to live, it’d be more like 13 an hour.  Still pretty fucking exciting to suddenly make if you’re an unschooled layman like myself, but probably not as exciting as it sounds if you don’t adjust for the fact that it’s a stupidly expensive city.

My bro still makes way more than me, but eff him, he didn’t have to do his time in retail.  He was handed a phone/computer related job at 18 and has had more time to work his way up the ranks, that asshole.  ASSHOLE.

Though really, he had to do tech support at DirecTV which honestly sounds maybe worse than being vomited on by drunks for a living.  But he also had the option to quit for another, equally well-paying phone job pretty much anywhere, whereas retail is… Well, minimum wage everywhere unless you’re a goddamn wizard and/or in management, at which point you’ve already dedicated 5-10 years of your fucking life to retail, AND you’re only gonna make what my bro made at DirecTV when he was 19 (which was probs like 12 an hour, in Colorado where that was decent).

Okay yeah sorry that was a lot of shit about money woooooooo bye now

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I have the same feeling about cooking. People (that is, hardcore cooking type people) are always saying to me, “IT’S SO MUCH CHEAPER YAAAAAY COOKING YAAAYYYY!!!” but that only works if you love cooking, and are willing to research multiple recipes to use for these ingredients and cook them every night and are willing to eat the same meal every day for a week because you cooked so much of it. … That’s not really me. But I don’t eat out a lot – I buy oven or stovetop meals from Trader Joes, and they’re pretty cheap. I can stay in and pretend I’m cooking while not really doing anything except turning the heat on. The cooking thing reminds me of what people always say to me when I say I don’t have money to buy clothes. “OMG MAKE YOUR OWN!!!! lalalala cuz that’s easy, right?? You know how to measure and cut patterns, right?? And sew all these different stitches, right?? And you have money to buy yards of fabric that cost more than buying an already-made shirt, right??” You wouldn’t believe how many people have said that to me. I write you really long notes.

October 5, 2013

I have a similar yet less damaging nonsense phobia — it’s checking my bank account.

October 5, 2013

Its funny you say that, they do actually call them unibrows here, I just call them monobrows hahaha. Also adventures of dicks is always fun, yay!

October 5, 2013

I live on nothing. When I rented apartments we paid approximately $400 a month for them. But that was a waste of money as I’m now spending $115 monthly on a mortgage. I think we spend about $45 a week on food.

October 5, 2013

I am completely addicted to that site so I’m glad you like it! I especially like her recipe for black bean quesadillas. So gooood.

October 6, 2013

I didn’t check my mail for 3 months as well. I ended up missing a few key things like Bob’s Wife’s graduation party invitation as well as a bunch of bills. The bills didn’t matter. By not paying them on time they tacked on like a $1.00 late fee. I laughed it off because it was a $3,000 bill for property taxes. I learned my lesson. Missing the graduation party because I didn’t open mymail was pretty pathetic.

October 6, 2013

I will bring the mail in the house and then not open it. It turns out that this is bad when it’s a bill. It’s never been hugely awful bad, but I could really be better about it. :/ I figure I was excited about dental insurance, so my adult cred is safe.

re: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. <– that’s what your note made me say. You are FREAKING AWESOME yourself. My guilt is not as much about Craig (though it was weird at first) because it’s not a struggle on him. He was paying Molly’s rent in his previous place so that helped convince me. The guilt is more about my friends who I know are struggling, and here I am all lalala nice apartment and free time that I didn’t even earn lalala. As for Craig, I get money-guilt with him when he offers to buy me random things that are not necessities or not shared by the both of us. Like if I’m idly looking at something I like and make an offhand comment about it, and he says, “Want me to buy it for you?” Then I’m like “AACCKK THAT’S NOT A FAIR QUESTION BECAUSE THAT’D BE AWESOME BUT NOW I FEEL LIKE A GOLD-DIGGER AACCCKKKK.” I think… and here’s where I get the most squeamish… I think I feel so guilty because deep down I actually do enjoy the spoiling. 🙁 I never ask for things (“BUY ME THAT” – ew no), but I enjoy the travel and the restaurants and etc that he pays for voluntarily… And I feel guilty about enjoying it. 🙁

re: Haha, yeah. “Hmmm, looks like I’ve missed 3 periods… Probably nothin’!” I’m not too worried about it because it’s happened before – only in that itty-bitty back-of-my-mind kind of way. My biggest scare was about a year and a half ago, when my period was over a week late. I seriously started thinking I had Craig’s lovechild in my body. I finally got my period on the LAST day that I had given myself before I would get a pregnancy test, heh. Have you had any really bad scares?

re: Ack, scary! God damn it, biology. Why do you make it so easy to catch the preg.

re: Haha! I haven’t checked my bookmarks yet so I didn’t even notice that. Your note was so awesome and nice and awesome!! It made me all squishy inside! Thank you for the support, it made me happyyyyyyyyyy <3

I hate the mail. Hate it, bad things, lol

October 17, 2013

We had to move to the east side of the state from Seattle to even begin to be able to afford the impending child, much less ourselves. No lie about the $800 studio. You can get a 2 bedroom house over here for less than $700 and that includes the freaking utilities. But I do so miss the city.