2005 Blogathon XXIX .. Hooray for WoW!! ^^;;

Ugh, squashed arse of d00m X_x

Pro’s of WoW**
1. It’s cool
2. It’s a mmorpg, I mean c’mon
3. Being in the Horde would rule
4. I’d be like on adsl and that rules too
5. I could probably annoy the piss outta Azam.. ahh sweet payback shall be mine ^-^
6. It’s not like Lineage with the whole farmer situation, I don’t think
7.Meet loads of cool people
8. Printscreen shit and annoy/tease other non-WoW’ers with it >_<
9. Good stress relief *glares at bro*

1. El monay $$$
2. Need the adsl, foo
3. The amount of time and effort…just sucks it outta ya rofl
4. Being picked on by high lvl MoFo’s when ur just starting out
5. I don’t have WoW *starts to cry*

LoL, so much for dreaming *wanders off* lalala..

**World of Warcraft

Time for a postin *smiles evilly*


==========BLOGATHON 2005==========


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August 6, 2005

Those games are so damn hard to keep up with…lol -BloodyGoreBoy

yeah, i’m already bored with WoW, but i paid for six months, stupid me. i play like once every other week, now. wanna have it?