Tim Walz

I’ve probably slept for three of the last four days. I can’t begin to remember the last time I was so exhausted, and sore, and just feeling like I have been run over by a truck. This guy that was living here is finally gone and about the moment I heard the news I started feeling really nauseous. He took the keys with him so the lock needs to be replaced but it is welded and I haven’t gotten a new set of keys yet. Word is he was recently parked on the street (this whole idea that he lost his wallet was probably a lie along with so many other things). Like certain people who for so long have called themselves ‘valedictorians’ though, he has no integrity, no values, no capacity to think intelligently despite claiming a degree in philosophy, and even the likes of Socrates or a league of superheroes would be unlikely to be able to convey an understanding to him that it might pay to do good and to be just instead of causing harm and doing evil. As for that illicit achiever, excuse me I mean ‘valedictorian’, who has shown no capacity for reading and interpreting any text that she has gleaned from me except coming to the bizarre conclusion that what I am going through fending myself from evil implies simply that I worry too much about what other people think of me, I am sure my words here will not concern her.

Anyway, I am glad he is gone. He is just an example of what I have seen way too many times: people who think they’ve got it all figured out in one way or another and know exactly how to manipulate people they don’t even know from a hole in the ground based on the most superficial details about them. They play nice and then at the end they turn on you and snap but their snapping is based on totally laughable misunderstandings of the whole situation. What people need to realise is that when you approach life with bad intentions towards others who don’t deserve it and never did you wrong you are inevitably going to make erroneous assessments of the situation you find yourself in and the joke is going to be on you sooner or later. You think you know 100% of what you need to know to get what you want out of them but you haven’t scratched the tip of the iceberg of anything and in the end you just go down looking like and being a fool. There is no safety in living like that.

Tim Walz (whose name I may never be able to say in my head without Germanizing the pronunciation) is the Democratic nominee for vice president and really I can’t think of a better pick. Of course we have the concept of ‘mansplaining’ but he seems to be the sort of person who might have a certain superpower: his very presence on the ticket would seem to have the power to man-shame patriarchal types (including women and ‘women’ who are supported by patriarchy and support patriarchy for their own selfish ends when they have the freedom to make a different choice, e.g. Sarah Taub) and the half of my supposed ‘family’ that is a child molestation cult. I feel like he has the power (as a man) to man-shame men and to man-shame women and to man-shame pretty much anyone who has forgotten that basic decency is a value worth having, and I don’t really agree with the article that I read that says that he is simply a ‘safe’ pick — I think he brings so much more to the ticket than that — but this superpower does make me feel safer. It’s like, so there, patriarchy, take that. His background confuses their agendas which are based on profound absurdity and uncommon indecency. It is nice to have a VP pick who has the capacity, in just being who he is, to man-shame people who deserve it, and I know they will be man-shamed by him, because I know their type.

There are ninety days until the election which, by some accounts, is enough time to finish a screenplay, and if I am endowed with certain inalienable rights, I wonder if among them might be to return to my voting precinct without fear of harassment and intimidation from local police officers. Indeed methinks if any rights are inalienable the right to vote in peace for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in November without having to fear some kind of knife or acid attack would be one of them. At this point the idea of being anywhere near the predator that abused me and my mother while leading her to believe that he would not just throw us both out of the world to achieve world domination if he could (which is apparently what he has been thinking he is about to attain) makes me sick and it is totally untenable and I deserve the right to vote without such fears. If presidents can grant pardons and negotiate the release of prisoners in foreign lands one wonders whether a president could have such a predator and his co-conspirators arrested regardless of his political backing by criminals. One wonders if such a president could have arrested the half of my supposed ‘family’ that is in all honesty actually a child molestation cult so that me and my mother might finally be free. Voting in this election should be a joyful experience. I have no idea, though, what is going to convince me beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is gone…

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