
If there are 5 million people in Ireland and between 40,000-80,000 are native Irish speakers while more than 40% of Irish speak Irish, I am guessing that number of native speakers does not include people who know Irish and bring their kids up bilingual? Or do people not talk to their kids in Irish when they’re younger and mostly end up learning it when they go to school? Indon’t know the answer but I just realised a couple things: my host has offered to pay me per hour to read his book on the origins of life and the universe and to leave a review. I was feeling a little pressure to finish the book before I leave but honestly it is not going to happen. So I had the idea that instead of paying me when I leave a review he can leave a donation of any amount to the meeting. I picked up his book again and felt less urgency to finish when I do not feel quite in the mood and I realised, oh, that is what I have to do: learn Irish, too. That is just necessary even though it will add another language to the languages I am committed to learning. As things started to transition I got onto other things and haven’t studied Japanese characters or read in Spanish in a while but I will get back to it soon. Irish is just… necessary to add to that. Also there are 1,500 Quakers in Ireland and by that number it may sound like they are going extinct but at least you know exactly where to find them. Also if spirit calls to you, you can speak in Irish at meeting. The next time I return to Ireland I need to  know some Irish. Japanese was and is grounding but now Irish just needs to happen too.

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