Ernesto (and a couple other names scarcely worth mentioning)

Ernesto moved through and there wasn’t so much as something that felt like a storm until yesterday morning when I thought the storm would have already passed through. When I started hearing the wind pick up I saw a branch come off a palm tree and that is about it. The power went out for a minute. Other than that I have been sleeping a whole lot and hoping with all I’ve got that the predator who has wreaked havoc on my life for so long will be brought to real and final justice so that I can finally once again simply live a day without fear.

That said, I think I need to make it absolutely clear publicly, as though I have not made it clear here, there, and elsewhere already, that the end of eternity will not affect the truth that there is in my heart and mind no sympathy whatsoever for a couple of horridly disgusting people by the names of Rebecca and Lily, lest they think that I am so naive that I will jump on their bandwagons for the silliest of reasons or for any reasons at all. I pray that I will never have to see, hear, or think of these folks ever again for as long as I live and I pray that they be brought to all of the justice that is due to them.

I know what they are probably thinking: that they could probably ever so easily convince me not to convict them, as though I would forgive such evils again and again and again, or even once, but lest they take me as infinitely naive, I must make it clear that they are not and have never been anything even vaguely resembling my ‘friend’. Neither of them, it seems, has learned a thing about common decency in their short and pitiable lives, and I am the last one on earth who is going to budge so much as a finger to rescue them from the karma they have brought on themselves.

I hereby declare myself free of any association with either of these characters for the rest of my days.

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