A hard day

It was a really hard day in a lot of ways. Now I am feeling comforted by the heating pad on my back. I have felt sore in a lot of places today but not where the heat is feeling so good right now. I just like using it for the comfort of the warmth. I like it so much I might even take it with me when I travel.
I almost can’t go to sleep without it, or when I forget it I realise, ah, that’s what I’m missing. My body kind of feels like it is falling apart and need to start doing stretches or yoga sooner than later though I don’t know if that will help with the cracking in my knee every time I extend it. It has been that way for way too long. My whole body felt sore today. Thank goodness I discovered the miracle that is arnica thanks to a friend who gave me my first tube of it. Now I have a really big container, I use it whenever I feel pain, and I feel it pretty much immediately. It works better than Inuprofen or anything like that.
I have been tracking the hours I spend doing things with Toggl. I find it really helpful: any purposeful activity, I log it. I have logged like twelve hours in the last two days Learning Think or Swim and watching YouTube videos on options trading. I ran into a setback when I realised I have to go through some hoops to trade the options I want to trade and after all that study it felt deflating. Then I experienced something really hurtful that I did not expect but it is probably my karma. I am feeling a little better now and I hope it lasts because ouch I can’t say how much it hurt. Especially experiencing both of these things at the same time.
So I don’t have to do everything every day. It’s okay to go through cycles, and especially after learning about options non-stop, and getting so obsessed with integrating everything I was learning last night that I couldn’t sleep, I truly could not stop and it didn’t feel good for me but when I get really into learning something like that it happens. In a way having a couple disappointing things happen may be a blessing in disguise because it reminded me to take care of myself. I think it is taking better care of myself if I take a break for a day or two and go back to languages. But first I think I am going to type up my first little program in Python before I go to sleep.
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