ripping on the family
Everything annoys me. Every little damn thing. I keep telling myself that I’m being unreasonable and overly-judgmental, and just plain ol’ mean, but it’s not doing any good.
The other day we were at Macy’s buying dress pants for my brother. First off why isn’t a 27 year old man capable of dressing himself? Or at least showing up to the god damn store so he can try things on. We bring home a pair in the size he told us, and of course it’s too short. Not that he realizes it! The three inches of sock that are showing don’t bother him a bit. So we tell him he’ll need to go back to the store to try on a different size b/c this one isn’t working and he throws a fucking hissy fit. Waah waaah waah. Like a fucking 5 year old. Once he calmed down we had a real conversation about how he needs to dress better and take care of himself. I realize this sounds superficial, but I’m not talking high fashion here. I’m talking looking at least somewhat put together and presentable. Because you can’t ignore the fact that how you look influences what people think (i.e. this guy must not think much of this job if he dresses like a slob everyday). Grrrr.
Then there’s my dad and his worse-than-useless cleaning routine. I’ll keep this short since I’m pretty sure I’ve ranted about it before. Every week he "cleans the house" just so he can go around telling everyone how much he contributes. In reality he just leaves a bunch of shit in the wrong place and ruins the carpets by scrubbing them with a disgusting wet rag instead of vacuuming like a normal person. He puts on a whole fucking show for something that could be done in less than half the time and SHOULDN’T LEAVE THE CARPET SMELLING LIKE SHIT.
Last but not least – cooking with my mother. I actually really enjoy cooking. Except when I’m working with someone who flips out if things aren’t done EXACTLY the way she THINKS is best. The worst part is being treated like the world’s biggest moron when I don’t know where something is kept. Please excuse my fucking lack of CLAIRVOYANCE. It’s not as if you haven’t rearranged the kitchen a dozen times since I last lived there. Oh wait..
The thing I hate most about all three of them is how close-minded they can be. You should hear the mindless DISDAIN they have for anything they’re not familiar with. Food, clothes, books, movies, music, anything. Drives me crazy.
I wish I were in a state of mind where I can overlook all this. Because I’m well aware that I could be much worse off, and it’s not doing Me any good to walk around pissed off at everybody.
Today was my dad’s birthday. We drank a toast to more frequent family gatherings.
Kill me now.