Well, There Goes Bill…

So, I didn’t read the entire reply to my message, because it disappeared. I’m not certain that I would have read it anyway, because it was, at least to first appearances, to be totally hostile and responding to the parts that made them feel shitty and get defensive. (When you do that, you can rest assured that whatever you’re being accused of has some variation of truth within it, and the best course of action is not to get shitty and defensive, but to listen and take careful notes. Nobody will help chisel you to perfection like your critics.)

If everything I suggested were total falsehoods, as they made claim for it to be, then there would have been no reason, no grounds on which to stand upon to get angry or defensive. You don’t get angry and defensive when you’re steadfast and correct in something, because the truth on which you stand is enough to support you and your claim. But when what you’re standing on is deception, a house of cards, nothing more than illusion, the first time someone casts doubt upon you, afraid the whole ball of wax is about to come crumbling down, you shout and point and yell and turn red in the face.

Let’s be point blank, here, sister, I don’t give a single rat’s back end if you lie on the internet to make yourself feel better. I think it’s a terrible, stupid way to go about that, that will in turn leave you worse off than when you started and is likely why you are in the position you’re in in the first place to feel a need to lie for attention… People lie on the internet and always have. They always will. And who am I to become a warrior against false claims or those that make them? I don’t have to agree with what you say, but I will, never doubt, defend to the death your right to say them.

But I will also defend, to the death, the rights of those whom you try to shit on with your falsehoods. When a lie about yourself turns into a lie that negatively impacts others, when something you’re doing that is wrong and selfish hurts others, isn’t it time to speak the f**k up?

Maybe it is. Maybe it’s not. Maybe you don’t see lying as wrong, because you’ve done it for so long and literally know no other ways than manipulation to get what you want out of people. It is, most certainly and indeed your right to be a shitty and terrible person. So have at it! But let it not encroach on the lives of others. That’s when you’re violating the rights of others. And it’s bad enough to choose to spend your life being shitty, but keep it to your self. Don’t spread your Misery Marmalade on others for your own pointless and absolutely futile attempts at feeling better about having been as shitty person.

Maybe try to own that you are a shitty, manipulating liar. Acknowledge it, and then stop it. Find better ways to get what you need. You’ll live in your limbo of sickness until you do.


And that, is all I have to say about that.

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