It’s official…

As I was walking out of the Minneapolis Radiology Imaging center this morning, I had a message on my cell phone.

I had just been poked and proded and violated in a number of different ways by the lady doing the ultrasounds. Details really aren’t necessary, except to say that I am NOT pregnant and was never worried that I was; and that the doctor is still trying to figure out what is going on with me. Cysts or fibroids or…whatever else could go wrong down there I guess.

Needless to say, as she was doing the ultrasound, she was taking pictures and marking off areas without telling me what she was seeing. The ultrasounds I have had before have always included a narrative (so-to-speak) of what was on the screen.

I could tell some of what she was looking at, as she was labeling each picture she took, and some of the codes were fairly obvious. There were a couple that concerned me. One photo was of my left ovarie, which was very visable in the picture. Then she used her curser to mark off this dark mass just below the ovary. This happened in a couple other photos as well. What was she marking off?

She told me to call the doctor and set up an appointment to go over the results. And my doctor isn’t available until September 21st. Yay! More waiting…

Anywho, the message on the phone was from my would-be boss if I got the new position at work. He told me he wanted to see me in his office ASAP.

Cool. I had just gotten done being prodded by cold medical devices on one side, now I was gonna get a foot shoved up my ass on the other side.

When I got to work I went to see him. He told me he was offering me the position. I didn’t have to try to hide my excitement because there wasn’t any. I just told him that I thought that was good news and thanked him.

He then told me he needed me to go to Hawaii in the end of October for the annual American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry conference.

No thanks! I have been to Hawaii. As a matter of fact, when I was in Hawaii, I stayed in the exact same hotel on Waikiki that I will be staying at this time. :sigh:

I know I might sound crazy, but I just don’t feel like going to a conference in Hawaii when I won’t even be able to enjoy the beach.

I guess at the end of the day, I can say that I am grateful for the job offer because at least I will have health insurance to figure out what the hell those masses were by my ovaries.

I am relieved, and underwhelmed. I am working on being grateful.

Progress, not perfection.

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September 15, 2009

Duuude I hope your ovaries are okay. Congrats on the job though, maybe it will get better!

September 15, 2009

Smart to lock in the Insurance. If you have to wait it is good to have one less stress issue during the time.

September 15, 2009

I hate U/S techs. Well not all. But the ones that poke, prod, click, and label w/o narrative. That happened at the beginning of my pregnancy. And then the lady tried telling me that I wasn’t pregnant. Sigh. I wrote about this so I won’t go on and on. I will be keeping you in my prayers. I know you aren’t excited about the job but like you said, at least you will have the insurance….

September 15, 2009

Wow, I hope you are ok. I have a cousin who has fibroids and is having a rough time getting pregnant 🙁

September 16, 2009

Congrats (and/or condolences) on the job. As for your innards, until you hear otherwise, no news is good news.”Ooh, Hawaii! Did you go here, see that, stay there?” “No, just stayed in the hotel and attended conferences the whole time.” “Then why bother with Hawaii? You could have done that in Cleveland.” No, you don’t sound crazy.

September 16, 2009

I guess it’s a good thing…you have insurance at least in case you need some kind of procedure… Hawaii…don’t blame ya, I never had any desire to go to that tourist infested place. **hugs**

September 16, 2009

Umm…congratulations…? Seriously, I know what you mean about the business trip. I hate traveling, but I really hate traveling for work. You can never really enjoy wherever it is you’re going, and then you feel bitter for not being able to enjoy it. But hey…it’s cool to know they like you – they really like you! 🙂

September 16, 2009

I’ll go to Hawaii! LOL! Ugh. I dealt with fibroids once upon a time. Congrats on the job offer that will offer the insurance to get it all figured out. ryn: There are three lakes pictured in that entry. Lake Lida, Detroit Lake, and Leif Lake.

September 20, 2009

Yay for the offer! Hope your ovaries are ok. Maybe it’s your gallblatter? Tomorrow’s the appt, isn’t it? Good luck!

September 22, 2009

Talk about being pushed to your limits of patience!! I hate when the ultra sound tech is all serious but very evasive!!! Well…just try and have positive thoughts that everything will be just fine! I am wrapping myself around you in thought girl!!!! Miss Ya