NoJoMo Day 8!

Feeling a little better today. Didn’t really do much, worked 3 hours instead of 4 since we have been do slow the last two weeks. Which physically is nice for me but not financially! After work u went and over and spent a few hours with Cody which is always nice 🙂 Then picked up the lil boy I babysit from school and since the roommate was home I only had to drop him off at home. So I.came home and messed around online before dinner! Biscuits and Gravy! Yum!

I’ve been curse with the laugh so hard you cry hormone! Lol literally I start to laugh and the next thing u know I’m seriously crying. Like I got hurt or something and I can’t calm myself down. As soon as I do breathe for a second I start to laugh again and bam! Tears!!! So weird!

Well I’m off to relax for a bit! Goodnight all!

 babyfetus ticker

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November 8, 2012

Lol that’s weird

November 8, 2012

*ryn* I had all that in the 2nd Tri & it got better! Hopefully it does for you too 🙂

hahahaha, I thought it was just me! I will start laughing and then crying.. like what? 🙂