NoJoMo Day 19!!!!

1) When did you start writing on OD?  March 9, 2004

2) How did you find OD and what made you decide to start a diary here? My Sister Angie started writing first and brought me to this site 🙂

3) Have you ever tried other online diary/journal/blog sites?  I had a blogspot account

4) Do you refer to your OD as a diary, journal, blog, or something else? Mostly blog I think

5) What is the meaning, reason, or story behind your diary title? "My life as I know it" I think its pretty self explanitory

6) Approximately how many usernames have you had on OD and what were some (or all) of them? um I think just three. ~Mavis~ and Now This one is all i remember off the top of my head though
7) What is the privacy setting on your diary? (Public, OD Users Only, Friends Only, or Private?) I think Public? 

8) Do you mostly write public, friends only, or private entries? Why? Public cause i mainly only remember to do NoJoMo
 9) How many entries do you have and what is there breakdown?  346 Diary Entries, 336 Public, 10 Private.

10) What are your criteria for deciding to post an entry public, friends only, or private? I dont really have criteria lol

11) Does anyone in your real life know about and/or read your OD? Yep my sistah! Ive met Sez and Jakie in rel life too! 🙂 

12) Do you consider the diarists on your friends list to actually be "friends"? Yes.

13) Do you communicate with any fellow ODers outside of OD? If so, by what methods? Well my sister so um phone and face to face haha and Some of them through FB

14) Does your OD have a theme? Not really lol and I cant remember how to change it so its been this way FOREVER

15) Do you use any features (tags, chapters, friends/bookmarks groups, etc.) to organize your OD? bookmarks yeah

16) Do you have a paid or free account? Why? Free cause im a poor white girl haha

17) If you have OD+, what is your favorite Plus feature? If not, what feature would you like to see added to free OD? No ads!

18) Do you have any habits or routines associated with your OD and/or writing in it? NoJoMo haha is my habit cause its mostley the only time i write 🙁 That should change and i always come on and ready my notes and favs 

19) Do you write anonymously or not? Why? No Not really

20) What is your note setting and why? Any notes 🙂

21) Have you ever made an entry private that wasn’t originally so? If so, why? Yeach cause i wanted to vent but didnt wanna share
22) Have you ever deleted an entry? Why? I dont think so .

23) Do you have any diarists blocked?No. 
24) To your knowledge are you blocked by any diarists? No.

25) Do you update regularly or sporadically? Used to be regularly now sporadically if ever

26) Have you ever posted a picture of yourself in your OD? Yes

27) Do you ever go back and read through your old entries? Some times just for fun 

28) Are you good about replying to notes? I think so! I try to anyway!

29) If you read an entry, do you feel obligated to note it, even if you have nothing to say? No not really

30) Which do you do more on OD: read or write? Read
31) What is your opinion of blank notes (notes that show a diarist’s name, but have no other text)? "Hey someone read it! YAY" lol

32) How much time and attention do you spend on your OD’s appearance? Do you feel like it matters? Not much at all. Shouldnt matter

33) How much time and attention do you spend on your OD’s front page? Do you feel like it matters? None
34) Do you ever look at the front page of other diarists? Yep 🙂 
35) Have you ever nominated an entry for Reader’s Choice? No i dont think so whats that"???

36) Have you ever had one of your entries nominated for Reader’s Choice? If so, how did it make you feel and did you personally feel like the entry nominated deserved the distinction? Um?

37) Do you feel like OD is a social networking site, an online community, both or neither? Online Community

38) Have you ever lef tOD for a period of time and came back? If so, why did you come back? Yes, I just always forgot about it

39) Are all your bookmarks on your friends list and vice versa or not? Um I think so
40) Have you ever met any fellow ODers in person? Yep!!! Sezzie and Jakie .

41) Approximate how many diarists on are your bookmarks and friends? 35 book marks so im guessin same for friends
42) Do you have any diarists on your bookmarks and/or friends that haven’t posted in over a year? Why don’t you delete them? Yes. I keep them because they are still my friends and I HOPE they will post again.

43) Do you have any entries that you’ve written that particular stand out in your mind? Um Not really 

44) Do you write for yourself, for your readers, or both? Both.

45) Do you feel you can be 100% open and honest in your OD or do you feel like you have to censor yourself? Definitely, it is MY diary and all
46) Would you, or have you, ever recommended OD to another person? If so, did you tell them about your OD and give them your username? Yep A few people but they arent ever on here anymore

47) If you were to describe your diary in one word, what would that word be? Mine

48) Has OD changed your life in any ways? If so, how? It is nice to have when i just want to get things off my chest but i dont want ALL the people I personally know reading it. I like hearing input from outside sources sometimes too! 


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ooh I should do this again. It’s been a few years since I’ve done this one. 🙂