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May 16, 2007

What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine? Yep. That about sums it up.

May 16, 2007


May 16, 2007

works for me 🙂

May 16, 2007

Awwwww….c’mon! I share my boobies and my coochie with me. What more do they want?

May 16, 2007

oops! I meant “men”….although I do share it with me, too 🙂

awwww poor little fella :o/

May 16, 2007

aaw. Cute

May 17, 2007

That’s pretty funny … I admit I laughed at the incorrect spelling of “your’s,” though! Grammarian … I apologize! Hehe

May 17, 2007


May 17, 2007

That was cute. I hope that you don’t mind me stopping by your diary. I’ve seen your notes on bbtl’s diary. I hope that you’re having a great night.

May 17, 2007

well we know better, dont we??? anyway, we know how things work, off the bat…hehehe

May 17, 2007

RYN: Your note made me laugh, thanks for that. *smiles*

May 17, 2007


May 18, 2007

ryn~I guess I did! I’m sorry! I’ve blocked much from that time from my mind. Reading Red, I never had any doubt you had that side, it’s just that everytime I think of you, I think of wearing hip waders.

May 18, 2007

Yes, yes we do.

Thank you!!!

May 18, 2007

Just let me be disappointed and leave it at that. I don’t have a big ego. You don’t know me. And I’ve never told you that you cannot leave me public notes. Ever. That’s on you for assuming I prefer that. Nuff said.

May 18, 2007

“Just let me be disappointed and leave it at that.” Roger that. “I don’t have a big ego. You don’t know me.” I didnÂ’t say you have a big ego. IÂ’m using the word “ego” as that which is responsible for our pain. “And I’ve never told you that you cannot leave me public notes. Ever. That’s on you for assuming I prefer that.” I didnÂ’t say that YOU prefer private notes, I said -> I <-was getting the feeling YOU may not like my in-depth comments so out of respect to (you) and your comfort and my desire to make a positive impact, I wouldnÂ’t do it any more unless, you invited me. “Nuff said.” Roger that. God bless,

May 19, 2007

Cute clip….I’m glad you’ve learned this difficult but TRUE lesson so early in life ~wink~ Looks up….ahh….to be misunderstood when only trying to help. God love ya Nunz….you’ve helped me soooo much in my life, much of which I did NOT want to hear…yet needed to. For this I consider you a true friend…and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Love K 🙂

May 30, 2007

ryn: So I’m not the only woman who goes from ‘nice and normal’ to ‘basket case’??

June 1, 2007

My frog won’t work, Nunz. Can you help him out?

June 4, 2007

LOL! that’s right…We do rule but not without a little help from men 😉

June 5, 2007

RYN: No contest! Danny all the way. Carrottop is just freakish. And it’s the fact that he’s a recovering disaster area and is so honest about the fact that he’s a recovering disaster area that makes me swoon. Keep in mind, it’s a harmless Hollywood crush. I’m not stupid enough to entertain that sort of disaster in real life. If someone wanted to date me with that sort of history? Um.. pass.

June 5, 2007

Are you a vegetarian, Nunz? No, those are this year’s babies. They won’t be stew for a LONG time. 🙂

June 5, 2007

Date is not the word for what I’d do to him in that instance! I’d be doing it all night long tho that’s for sure!

June 7, 2007

Hey… don’t bare it if you don’t wanna share it. I’m catholic, you know. Blood-letting is foreplay to me.

June 8, 2007

The short answer is we have no chance. She done tore out my heart and stomped that sucker flat! RYN: Ah, the Mound of Venus. Is there a finer sight in all the world? <{:0)

June 8, 2007

RYN: Sticky wrinkles???

June 11, 2007

PS: Wanna picture of my rash? WANKA WANKA.

June 11, 2007

Ahhh…. there’s my Nunzio! I missed you.

June 11, 2007

Since beginning “therapy” in all its forms to which I have exposed myself and been exposed, I have believed that the largest benefit of therapy is gaining awareness into “self.” I think, if this is any kind of a breakthrough for me, it’s merely that I have become aware of yet another truth. We CAN “choose” how we feel — i.e. re insoluable problems. HOWEVER, we must first figure that out. My friend who believes we are all just beings of light, says that once we figure that out, and realize we can defer “negativity” away from our light (our selves), everything bad fades away. Period. Poof. Gone. You know, years ago I had this rash on my legs. It didn’t itch or anything. It didn’t hurt. It just left red marks on my skin, which looked like hickies — blood drawn to the surface. I went to the doctor for years, tried every remedy, cream, ointment, soap. The only answer any doctor ever gave me was “everyone gets this once but the body becomes immune and it goes away and doesn’t come back.” Um…. I’d had it for two years, cycling back and back and back. I was upset. Asked, “Why can’t they cure this!” He replied, “There are so many things to spend time and money…

June 11, 2007

“… researching that DO hurt or itch or kill, that it’s just not important enough to cure little discolorations on the skin of a few people.” ::blink blink:: It finally went away. Right now I have a patch of it on my thigh. I’ve had it for several weeks now. It doesn’t bother me a bit. *nods* I merely found a different solution to my problem. Now, I ignore it. ROFL

June 11, 2007

GET IT???? Now, I’ll employ that same philosophy to my “insoluble (suddenly I can’t spell insoluable) Red problems.” Cured! I mean, right? LOL ps: I reserve the right to backslide. But only occasionally. And I expect you to kick my hiney when I do. Please, Nunz… KICK. MY. BARE. HINEY.

June 12, 2007

I DO have some pics up – not in “that” dress – that will come soon – but there is a pic of me nonetheless ; )

June 12, 2007

Your ho-ho? You wanna put your ho-ho in my nay-nay?

June 12, 2007

Hey, Nunzio. Do you realize how long it’s been since you’ve told me I’m beautiful and gorgeous and sexy and desirable? Hey… my momma always said if there’s no path laid out in front of you, make your own! *points to the path to Red’s vanity* WALK IT, BRIGHT BOY.

July 27, 2007

Well I got half of it anyway, better than nothing 😉