* What Does An Orgasm Feel Like For A Man?


(Woo, look at this, I just realized, my 100th entry!)
One of my favorite writers, Red Running Hood, wrote a piece about what orgasm feels like for a woman. 
It ended with a question, “What does orgasm feel like for a man?”  Well, it was more of a challenge than a question. As in, “It can’t be as sweet as a woman’s!”
Well, in my typical bold, bull-like Taurean way, I described it as best I could in 400 characters times two but alas, my descriptive notes were too bold for her sweet and demure pages. She deleted them … She was kind, but deleted the notes none-the-less! (No hard feelings Red, I know I’m frequently, “Too much.”)    😉
The more I thought about her question, “What’s it like for you?” the more it grew (no pun intended.)
So here you are, without the 400-character limitation of notes. One man’s version of what leads to an orgasm and the feelings associated …
If graphic sexuality makes you uncomfortable, you should probably stop here.

“I cannot believe men’s orgasms are as pleasurable as ours.
They don’t have a vagina, after all”
No but we DO have YOURS, all tight, warm, slippery, soft, nice, mean and evil, all at once, wrapped tightly around our cock.
“They don’t have a clit.”
We DO, but by another name … the Glans, and it has one-half the nerve endings as your clitoris. (We used to have the same amount of nerve endings as your clit but you see how badly we handle a penis at half speed! No wonder God cut us back!)
“All they have is this clumsy shaft that can’t be violated at all.”
Can’t be violated? CAN’T be violated? … A cock can CERTAINLY be violated! You’ve never seen your cock disappear into a confident woman’s mouth; a woman not afraid of demonstrating her sexuality, her power. A woman, not demure and vulnerable, but rather expressive and unafraid as she unashamedly allows the animal in her* to surface.
She talked sooo dirty to me and made such savage sounds (oh GOD! … how I love an expressive woman … mmmremembering …) as she tugged on my balls and sucked and stroked my cock so voraciously; shoving it down to her gag reflex and beyond, while she slid a finger up my ass!
Oh yes,
I  H-A-V-E been violated all right!
= = = = =

* Here is my opportunity to say, in my view, THAT’S one of the reasons “older” woman (generally 38-ish and above) are so HOT! Typically, it takes a bit of life’s experiences before they give themselves permission to be who they are and find the courage and the confidence to express it, to live it!
At this age a woman may well have lost the need to live behind a mask, one that she thinks makes her more attractive to the opposite sex. She has had the painful experience of a terminated “forever” love and because of that and many other of life’s experiences, has decided to get real!
She has grown tired of chasing, or waiting for, the (nonexistent) fairytale romance society and Cosmopolitan Magazine has told her is out there.
However, when she was in her 20’s and 30’s, she really thought the key was external to her. That some man holds the key to her happiness and to get that man she’d better pay attention to … 


She was following the carrot and stick bait that society throws at her.
The seduction AND the problem is, it works … until it doesn’t! Men ARE paying attention to all that because … WE are just as vapid at that age, as the women we chase! (Now, now; I can hear some of you say, “With men, it’s not limited by age!”)
However, fucking is not permanence and things change.

It seems, by 40ish, she has usually experienced significant disappointment, betrayal on many fronts, and shed many tears. This has lead her to the realization that no one is going to take care of her and therefore she has finally taken responsibility for her own happiness and peace because she knows and accepts that she is the only one who can truly make her happy.
(It’s all about healing our own heart. Another mortal cannot do that for us, I don’t care how loving they are!)
Even those women in a committed, long-term relationship by 40, have generally reached an understanding, a clarification of their role and it is not the one-dimensional view she had at 25.

With this knowledge, she may choose a lover to share a part of her life, but she doesn’t need that lover, fiscally or physically, to be complete and happy! If she still does "need" a lover by this age, she has more healing to do.
(In my view, there is no more healthy statement of love than to say, “I love you but I do not need you." It is this absence of need that allows your lover to engage with you without fear. Under that statement, your lover now knows you are engaged with him/her simply out of desire and not for what he/she will bring to you.

Whether it’s money, security, or as a cure to loneliness, need destroys relationships!)

As Katharine Hepburn once said: "Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get – only what you are expecting to give."  


She is no longer is a customer for Hallmark’s syrupy, sappy, infantile, “You Are My Everything; I Was Nothing Before You; You Complete Me; The Two Halves Of Us Make A Whole,” cards. (Spittooey!)
It seems, in the 40ish and above woman, generally speaking, there is the unleashing of this latent personality “seed” that, through the incubation of life, EXPLODES into this wonderful expression of female confidence. This maturation process allows us to see this beautiful flower unfolded before us …
Mesmerized …
by her aura of self-actualization.
I didn’t say I was mesmerized by her titts, ass, and manicure, etc.
As we males age, we have experienced all the vaginas we “need” and soon, sanity prevails (or testosterone production decreases) and we are no longer moved by just the mysticism of the vaginal canal. 
Now, I love to engage with a beautiful woman just like the next guy but now … if that’s all they’ve got, they don’t get me! That’s a very different response than I would have given you in my 20’s and 30’s.
This "developed" woman I speak of, stands in all her confidence – and we all know confidence is power and power, whether expressed by a man or a woman, is sexy!
Unfortunately, there are some woman in this age group (as well as men) who don’t recognize they have this (or reject this) acquired treasure of their wisdom. Instead, they worry about their physical-ness as though they were still in their 20’s. They fret over every pound, every new dimple of cellulite, every laugh line.
To those women I say – LOOK; you’re not going to fit into the same jeans you did when you were 25 and even if you can, you’re missing the point!  You are so much more than your titts and ass and when you concentrate on them (metaphorically) and make them so important, you attract men who think they’re important too and that leads you back to that “fuck and run” mind-set of our youth.
Why? Because you, like all of us, are leading with your strengths, your perceived strengths, and you believe your strength is in your physical presentation. If you’re telling yourself that, don’t you think you’re telling me (an attracted male) that too?  Said another way, don’t you think I can read your use of, your confidence in,  your sexuality?
I can … I can smell it!
If you’re leading with your sexuality then you’ve reduced yourself, and what do us men do with sex objects?
Why, we fuck them and leave, of course!
Certainly, we all should want to take care of ourselves in a HEALTHY way. That doesn’t mean trying to compete on a physical level, with a woman 20 years your junior. Hell, she’s trying to get where YOU are, emotionally!
To those younger women reading this who accept this opinion but who do not possess the alluring “older” woman confidence yet and are thinking, “I’ll just pretend like.”
Good luck!
I don’t think you can just fabricate this confidence/power; putting it on as you would a cosmetic. You may just come across as arrogant, false, foolish, and/or conceited.
No, what I speak of in these women is … of the soul.
You can’t fake it.
It just … emanates!
Emanates … as does heat from a wood-fired stove. You cannot “pretend” the stove is giving off heat. You must do the work to get the stove to give off the heat … or not!

You cannot “prove” you have power, for surely if you try, you only prove you have none! True power need not prove itself. It just is!
What I see in these women, I’m calling “confidence,” but what we’re really seeing is … her healing, or more correctly, her acceptance of her healing.
It is her reward after a million tears and a lifetime of disappointments – She finally gets it … she’s always had the key to her happiness!
She, wearing the patina of her life’s experiences, has finally given herself permission to state –
“I’m proud of, and make no apologies for who I am! Come try me if you think you can handle me. If not, just pass me by, because it won’t be too long before I burn right through you!
Save us both the time!”

= = = = =
As I stand at the foot of your bed, you kneeling upon it, you drop your shoulders to the bed and with your ass high in the air, reach through and open yourself. With one hand on your hip and the other guiding my cock, I gently rub the head of it back and forth across your pussy until I feel your secretions welcome me.
Slowly … slowly … so that I can feel you, I enter your tight pussy, you softly groan as I do. I’m savoring the delicious feeling as I would a dish of Ben & Jerry’s, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.   Ha!

(What am I feeling? … I’m feeling excitement and … apprehension. I don’t want to disappoint so I’m alert for your every word, twitch, and response to coach me, to guide me, to your satisfaction. For in that satisfaction, I will fe

el accepted!  Apprehensive, because I don’t know if you can talk during sex and if you cannot, I WILL fail!)

Soon, as I look down at your beautiful back, at those two dimples, I see a drop of my sweat hit your ass. Shortly thereafter, the sweat is running down my face and chest as I watch you push back to meet my thrusts.
I feel your fingernails lightly graze the underside of my cock with every stroke as you rub your clit.

With your chest flat on the bed, you arch your back and increase the rotation your hips so that your ass, high in the air, is just so! You could not be any more open and in your openness, you capture my cock … all of my cock.
You tightly clench the sheets in your left hand to use for leverage as your right hand wraps around my balls to tug me in deeper. You grunt and push, and thrust yourself harder against my cock, trying to capture more with each stroke.  But more is not enough … you want more than more.

(What am I feeling? … I am feeling you express what you want of me. I am feeling a connection with you as you speak, your words make me shudder and I almost lose control. I’m feeling cautious; I must stay focused so I don’t cum too soon.)

With one hand, I push down into the small of your back and with the other, I grab your shoulder to pull on. I read this feels good to you through your exhale and grunt. In full cooperation, you put both arms in front of you to push, as you try to place more of your tummy on the bed and rotate your hips so just your ass is in the air.
Th … ther … THERE!
I feel IT, as you yelp! …
Deep inside you, at the end of my down stroke, my cock “kisses” the tip of your uterus and I am driven mad as you, in a whispered groan exclaim …
“oh God, OH GOD, OH GOD!

(What am I feeling?  … With your words, your movements, I am starting to feel I’ve found your rhythm, your key and I feel powerful because of it … because you are responding to me and starting to lose control and, in that, I feel acceptance. My guard dropping.)

I concentrate so that, on my backstroke, the head of my cock drags over the bump of your G-Spot …again, deep into you to “kiss,” withdraw over the bump … Again and again and again andagainandagainandagain!
The heat builds …
With every stroke, the beast awakens a little more …
The HEAT …
Located somewhere inside me, above my balls and behind my cock, building to the point that it must escape.
I look down, the sweat pouring off me;
I run my one hand into your hair and pull your head back roughly as I simultaneously drive my cock deep into you. My other hand pressing down on the small of your back, now moves to your hips, to your breast, grabbing, clutching, pushing …

(What am I feeling? … In this moment, I am approaching delirium.)

You move one hand to tightly clutch my balls and the other to grasp at my thigh, pulling me deeper …deeper as you “slap” into me again and again … your hips rotating, your back arching still more, capturing more and more of my cock … I’m losing control …
You squirm … you push … you grunt … you direct … you plead … you swear …

“FUCK ME! Fuck my pussy! Fuck my pussy! THAT’S IT … OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD … FAAUCK MEEEE!”

I am holding you, pinning you to the bed, grabbing, sweating, thrusting, faster, harder, grunting animal sounds as The Beast takes me over.
I DRIVE into you, the slapping of your ass to my stomach becoming one continuous report …

until …
finally …
grabbing you tightly …
You grunt …
You scream …
You swear filth …
snarling, snapping …
th … the … then …
I lean forward, turn your head to the side, my mouth finds your neck, and I bite … HARD!
You scream, push back into me and spurt your cum all over my cock, balls, and the bed, finally giving me permission to …
I’m dizzy as I thrust into you so hard and fast that you collapse from your knees to the bed, yet you keep your ass at that perfect angle.
I have just seconds left … slide both my arms through your armpits … up and around to lock my fingers behind your neck holding you immobile …
I feel the muscles deep in my groin, between my cock and my anus, start to flex signaling the …the EXPLOSION …

(The heat runs through my cock … )

I bite into your shoulder again and through my clenched teeth, I am GROWLING as I shake my head from side-to-side, as though tearing your flesh.

(The white light and starburst hits my head … muscles tense everywhere … cock flexing, pushing my cum … )

NOTHING matters now except pushing in to you to deliver my cum as deep in you as is possible. You struggle, and The Beast strikes by tensing his grip on you to impale you on his cock, making it impossible for you to escape his delivery of cum … Each contraction sends a stream of his cum deep in to you … I am vaguely aware of your screams mixing with my own.

“Oh my GOD ohmyGodohmyGod fuckmefuckmefuckme give me …
your cum nownowmoremoremore …

Your animal grunts continue as do mine, through our orgasm … all the while your ass … that beautiful ass … hips rotated perfectly, still high in the air … siphoning … capturing the last of my pulses from me.
The Beast
has taken us,




(What am I feeling?  …
(wait for it)
zzzzz zzzzz snooor r r r !


Yep, you were better than a burger and a beer with my buddies, all right!
F-u-c-k football!
I just wish every experience could be like this one …
I lied … no I don’t! 

"Ok everybody,
 *clap clap*
Take a 15-minute break.
Get a towel,
drink some water,
and then lets meet back here in 15 minutes for questions and answers,
or the crucifixion of Nunzio, ok?
Hurry hurry!"


And that’s just one man’s opinion. What’s yours?



Some thoughts I referred to for this entry:

  1. Unexpressed emotion never dies – it just manifests itself in uglier and uglier ways.
  2. We are habituated to listen and chose our ego. It takes real work to unlearn that.
  3. As I cease arguing with life, peace of mind surfaces. And peace of mind is the mind’s only condition in which true happiness can occur.
  4. Who says I must take the events of life so seriously?
  5. “Death” takes many forms.
  6. “Having” rests on giving, not getting.



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August 27, 2005

My opinion?? WoW… You are “spot on” as the other side of the pond would say. Love the thoughts at the end… Our biggest sex organ?? Our brains…. Gawd, you made me proud to be over that middle 40’s hump!!! lol *hugs*

August 27, 2005

Wow! More moremoremoremore. LOL That was great. Well written and expressed. I have been reaching that point in my life as a women. Realizing that losing weight isn’t going to be done for him, but for me. For my health and self confidence alone. Any man that loves me, finds me attractive as I am, will love me as I am. And will love me more for my hard work in bettering myself. This is good.

August 27, 2005

I especially got something from your 6 comments at the end. Several spoke to me personally at this time in my life. Thank you so much. I think I really needed to read this today. If you don’t mind I am going to refer some of my favorites to your diary and may eleborate on some of these 6 ending statements in my next entry.

August 27, 2005

I’m only half way through… but I MUST say: THANK YOU! You are saying everything I’ve realized in the last few months. And you are saying it soooo much better!

August 27, 2005

well I may not have hit 40 yet lol.. but fantastic entry 😀 well said x

August 27, 2005

I had no idea you’d try (and mostly succeed) to describe a male’s orgasm… I think the description isn’t enough… I just need to watch (make) several more and then I’ll cum to my own conclusions! Oops! I mean “come to my own conclusions.” Thank you. I’m off for a delicious day of daydreaming about the big O, now…thank God it’s not a week day!!

August 27, 2005

You have set me to thinking… And shortly I might begin typing. It’s that sort of thinking… I was just telling the lover… for me, it’s like stealing orgasms. That’s what I like to do to men. Maybe I’ll tell ya’ll more…

August 27, 2005

Ho-leeeeee Shite man! Will you marry me?! Hell, forget that, will you just keep writing like this?! Yes, women truly come into their own at 40. I’m only six months into this but I’m realizing it more every day!

August 27, 2005

Hello, I come to your diary by way of ‘astrugglingheart’s’ diary. 🙂 Very good writing. I’ll be back to read more ….ummm…after the cold shower!!!

August 27, 2005

As I’ve said in the past….I’ve GOT to learn not to ready your entries while at work. I can’t go take a shower…though I need one ~wink~ Your right on as always Nunz. I thought I knew what was was in my 20’s (through sorely mistaken) So far I’ve loved every minute of my 30’s and new found confidence. And I’m soooo looking forward to my 40’s.

August 27, 2005

Also…..”We are habituated to listen and chose our ego. It takes real work to unlearn that.” Is something I continue to work on daily 🙂

August 27, 2005

Very well written entry. Gives me so much to look forward to when I reach my 40s. I realize more everyday that I have to do things for me and not for others and by doing that I find a true happiness.

August 27, 2005

The whole section on “older” women made me feel, well, rather good actually. I like your perspective. The rest of it, well, now is not a good time for me to read this. You are drawing Sheet Music out from her cave. It is a soccer weekend! No time for a little afternoon nookie which is what I am craving now.

Women come into their own when they’re good and ready. I don’t think there is a set age for it. And I know you know that there are exceptions to every rule. I’m going to make this private so your faithful minions don’t come after me with pitchforks and a stake to burn this witch at.

August 27, 2005

Soooooooooo, you busy tonight Nunzio? *winks* =)

August 27, 2005

RYN: Mmmmmmmmmmm……Oh it’s “working”…..it’s just not helping the situtation! 😛

August 27, 2005

RYN: Hahahaaa…. Though I’d love for him to do so, Ricks a bit more conservative than that still. He’ll be intimidated enough just from the pocket rocket the girls got me. 🙂

August 27, 2005

ryn- Do I have to pick just one? I’m quite adventurous and have all the time in the world…. =)

August 27, 2005

ryn~Yes, I think between the two of you, I could get stirred up. Did you read The Write Man’s story about the woman in the purple dress? (Yours truly)

August 27, 2005

ryn- Ahhhh, you’re underestimating me. That’s good, I love a challenge. Saddle up. =)

August 27, 2005


August 27, 2005

What I *meant* was that I felt needed to experience a few more from MY end of the spasm… I like that. And I also *meant* that I thought maybe I could describe it from MY end as well… So, DR. Bubba will do HER best to tell YOU what SHE experiences when YOU MEN fill ‘er up!! How do ya like that?? ;-D

I have found that since I’ve moved past my early thirties and working on my latter ones, that I am becoming more and more who I always thought I was. Needing someone else has never been a big thing in my life, but recognizing that all I need is within me is. The power of this age far supercedes anything I could have hoped for – and it draws them like moths to a flame. And I love it.

RYN: Sure… Always a pleasure. ~smiles~

August 27, 2005

Referred to you by Principassa Pollyana….All I could do was nod through this entire entry……….of course until the mind movie starting running and then I was well…errr…ummmmmm………recalling this very same scenario between me & my husband. Gonna send him this way & see if he feels the same. Write on, my new fav!

August 27, 2005

Oh, and BTW- check out my front page- I think you’ll find I totally agree with your take on ‘women of a certain age’.

August 27, 2005

My God…that was YOU in my bed last night!

August 27, 2005

Well done.

August 27, 2005

100th entry, huh?? Yea for you :o) ryn: Yep, the next month that starts this coming week. On the 6th… The interviwer went on vacation. :o/

August 28, 2005

hmm… nice ; )

August 28, 2005

But it is unfair… because it’s the women who always get hurt. men are not emotionally invested if they are lying and only looking for a physical fix. And the only reason that they feel they have to do that, I would guess, is because they run the risk of not getting any if they don’t. Women are actually interested in the other person if they are going to become intimate… and, generally,

August 28, 2005

they are interested in that person for who they are, not the sum of their body parts. if I just wanted to get off, I could handle that myself and quite nicely, lol. anyhow, lol, my point of view is that it is A LOT of time and energy to invest that much in another person and, I understand that men are different in that respect, but I would hazard a guess that most, if not all, men are well aware

August 28, 2005

of the fact that women are wired differently. So therefore, to misrepresent their intentions, IS a shitty thing to do, because, based on their knowledge of women, it is intentionally hurting another person due to manipulating what works, to their own advantage. All I’m saying is that that they need to play a fair game. there is no need to lie. If men want sex… be clear about it. then

August 28, 2005

the woman has the option of saying yes or no based upon clear facts. There are some women that will go for that. To appear caring, interested, invested, etc. is only misleading and therefore the equivalent of a lie. I’d rather hunt deer. At least they make sense (logical), despite being different. ; ) (and no, am not being argumentative… I didn’t want you to take my resonse the wrong

August 28, 2005

way… I actually do respect and am interested in your opinion, which I guess is why I’m responding with mine… curious what you’d have to say…) Thanks for the links btw. the first one, I’m quite familiar with this week (I have a psych test on Tuesday, lol). and from your other two entries… *nods*… I can agree with much of that. I do like nice guys btw… I think my problem

August 28, 2005

is that I keep giving the benefit of the doubt and hang on too long because I hate to think that someone is stringing me along. And so I get hurt. Can you answer me this?… WHY on earth would a man stick around in a situation that he isn’t interested in pursuing? especially when the woman has given every indication of walking away if he’s not interested… it’s an easy out. What on earth

August 28, 2005

is the point of that? I think the thing that bothers me the most about this kind of behavior as a whole, or how I interpret it, is that it ‘feels’ as though men don’t see women for who they are at all… I don’t want to feel like I don’t matter. I wouldn’t put up with that from my friends, let alone a man. …I want to be special to ‘someone’… I think that’s what makes

August 28, 2005

love worth it. *disillusioned*

August 28, 2005

My best is on display.. I tried… Maybe you are right though.. maybe we should consult the video of the game for a play by play analysis… yours or mine?? 😉

August 28, 2005

DZ recommended that I read you…now I see why.

August 28, 2005

Hott!! Very hott! i loved you describing what was happening and what you were feeling at that point!! Very pictureable…*lol*

August 28, 2005

Found you randomly. You’re quite the writer. But you’ve left me feeling a bit more depressed than I already was. I’ve got how many more years before the sex is good? 😉

August 29, 2005

You my dear have left me completely speechless. I quoted some of this entry in my own diary….just, wow.

August 29, 2005

oohh mercy! so where do you live again? LOL no really very well written and very much a homerun for where i am in my life atm *applauds* i was gonna ad this to the readers choice but im not sure you wouldnt get banned for the language.. not that i minded but well you know some people /shrug

August 29, 2005

ryn: eastern daylight time. thanks for the notes… *smiles*

“I run my one hand into your hair and pull your head back roughly as I simultaneously drive my cock deep into you. My other hand pressing down on the small of your back, now moves to your hips, to your breast, grabbing, clutching, pushing … FUCKING you” Outstanding. The advice to women is well said too, but not near as interesting. 🙂

So to sound like the attention whore that I am, from the pics I sent to you, do I emanate?

I have sent you pictures! Totally! I am positive I have. Drop me an email to rubywants2run@yahoo.com and I’ll send you a recent one. You can tell me. But please keep this PRIVATE when you note me about it. They’ll get JEALOUS that you’re getting pics. lol

Ryn: I’m only 31, wouldn’t you rather have someone 38 (or so) wearing those shoes? I might get insecure if my toes are showing.

August 29, 2005

rynrym: i figured as much so i didnt but the thought is there :))

Ah yes! I didn’t note it because I was at work and trying to hide the pictures — I remember now. And also, it just left me speechless. LOL. But that is the kind of graphic information I don’t get from Husband, so thank you for this. I’ve a much better idea of what it feels like for a guy! I still don’t think yours can be as good. Does it hurt, ever, for you? In any way?

August 30, 2005

very well put.

August 30, 2005

While I certainly enjoyed this entry – as I do all of your entries – explaining what an orgasm feels like to a man is a bit like explaining the color blue to a blind person. Well, they tried that in the movie Mask, and I really wasn’t convinced (Eric Stoltz or no Eric Stoltz). However, having already seen the color blue, I suppose an explanation to me of what blue looks like would be tainted for>>

August 30, 2005

I am thinking of what I see blue is when I hear Rocky describe blue to someone who has never seen it. That said – I don’t think I could really understand what an orgasm is for you, although it’s sure fun reading you try 🙂

A) Are those Angelina Jolie’s lips? F*ck me, man. They look plump and juicy enough to be! B) I now understand the concept of how a shaft can be violated. I’ll try to violate my husband’s member and report back how he likes it. C) WHAT wickedly dirty things DID SHE SAY? You see, I cannot do this effectively! I need someone to TELL ME what these woman say!!! D) I get…. (cont)

(cont) the concept of the not being able to sink deeply enough into her. THAT I can understand, I think, from a man’s point of view. Because WE can’t be violated deeply enough. All in all, a dirty ride, Nunzio. Thank you for responding to my query with such clarity and thank you for the violation visuals (though I care not for this pool in my chair). Happy? I’m blushing.

RYN: Best when I’m sober so I’ll remember. And I am serious! I want details. Exact sentences that turn you/a guy on. I am always at a loss for words when it comes to talking dirty. I always think, “What do they SAY, these women?” I am dead serious. Make it private htough, please!

August 30, 2005

I learned after my divorce and a heartwrenching relationship, that only I could make me happy. I act upon a philosophy that you expressed. Need is not a strong enough tie for any relationship, and is actually the enemy of healthy, loving interactions. I knew I liked you for a reason. *wink*

Ryn: Don’t you ever call me a housewife again…unless you REALLY mean it.

Well, now! This entry really encouraged me. *cough*.No, really. I mean…I’m about to hit 36 and am going through the most major transition of my life thus far…coming into this “patina” that you speak so eloquently of… And, um…yes…well…*squirm*….the rest was just… Delightful. 🙂

September 1, 2005

Oh. MY. GOD!!! Surfed over from Madam Sassy Pants’ place…Quite glad I did, this is F-n AWESOME!!

Ryn: You’re right. All of you have been right. I was concerned because she was scheduled to have a C-section (which doesn’t take as long) AND because he was supposed to be here. This wasn’t the normal case of “Woe is me, he didn’t call so I’m not in his thoughts.” Thank you for the reminder though.

You may note whatever you’d like, Nunz. Please don’t be offended if I delete some of them. It IS partly just how I’m feeling that day, and it is (seriously) that some of my other male noters (and females too) get critical that I am carrying on too graphically with you and I’m supposed to be faithfully married… blah blah blah, and while I think that’s a load of crap, sometimes I do feel (cont)

(cont) like it would save me grief if I delete some of the notes. So. You write what you want. Don’t ever be offended if I delete. If you do something I DON’T like, I’ll tell you — you should know that by now. LOL. Thanks for noticing.

Oh, they will be jealous as hell if they think you sent me a lewd email. I’ll be getting tons of lewd email. Hmm…… LOL. Stop fussing, Nunz. Otherwise, I won’t tell you about what I fantasized yesterday morning when husband and I made love.

Fussing — like a GIRL!!! Damnit. You called it.

You can try, but I have to be in the mood for that kinda talk to affect me. LOL

Good call! I pictured Husband and wham!! There it was! Bravo!

September 3, 2005

Come on baby. Shock the little girl who just survived the “Worst Hurricane in History” hunkered down in a cement block room with 6 crazy people (not by my choice)..while the fear of one lunatic,convinced him to tote a tommy gun strapped to his shoulder,and once tripped into me. We could see the bay when the 16ft rise was warned of…within an hour. One kid wanted to jump me. Come on…speak!

September 4, 2005

Well, Raspberry Vine, (IÂ’d note you directly but youÂ’re private) IÂ’d say, with those experiences, youÂ’re virtually, unshockable! I, and the rest of the country are so shocked and empathic to the experiences you and others have gone through, that I think you will see massive positive responses from the rest of the nation that will exceed the negative ones youÂ’ve experienced. God bless,

September 4, 2005

ever thought of putting out a book?

September 4, 2005

ryn: I got the book bec. you mentioned it years ago. Thanks for the link.

September 4, 2005

Of course I would, thats why i suggested it!!! and all my cute little 19 year old friends too!! HA HA anyway, you’re right about us young girls trying to act confident, the problem is, those superficial external things is what makes us confident, its what makes us happy. When we know we look good, we feel good and we get KINKY.. lol

September 5, 2005

lmao!!! thats funny. Yeah the way I see it is “I dont aim to please, I aim to tease!” anyway, you should write an entry about how hot us 19 year old girls are, i feel left out! MUAH *wink*

RYN: You have no clue what I’m up against, LOL.

I don’t have access? What’s the big idea posting a private entry. LOL. Kidding. Kidding!

September 7, 2005

RYN: we girls gotta stick together. 🙂

wow that was long, and hot but the picture on ur front page speaks for your passion. it’s SO beautiful!

September 8, 2005

here’s a 40-something thank you.

September 13, 2005

I still want to f*ck a hot woman at 40, 50, 60+ and not a fatass.

October 24, 2005

“Whew!” (Fans herself and opens all the windows after putting her vibrator away) That was quite the entry! I’ve always wondered what it must feel like for a man. I felt they had to be MUCH better since ONE usually exhausts a man ( yes, I am that woman who patiently waits for the “REVIVAL” Ahem. Bring on seconds!) RYN – thanks for your kindness, my friend will be missed.

October 24, 2005

How did I miss this entry?! At 26, I had it all going on,spent $$$ on my “look” and remember a doctor I worked with telling me that he only dates women over 45. I said you have to be nuts!! He said he’d take a woman with extra pounds any day, one who realizes a man is making love to her for what she brings to the relationship, her nurturing, maturity, warmth, love, etc. I was amazed

October 24, 2005

Now that I am 51 and have some gentle crow’s feet, cellulite, stretch marks and extra pounds, I have men hitting on me all the time… much more so than when I was young. I work with a few gals in their 30’s that tell me I need to bottle my mojo – my bf tells me I am gorgeous (not even close!) but he thinks so, thinks young women all look the same and claims a woman does not get radiant until she

October 24, 2005

lines on her face, a few flecks of gray hair, “mature hands”….and that air of self acceptance. He is a college prof and said it doesn’t take much to be attractive when you are young… but to be a beauty at 50 shows how you lived your life and cared for yourself, accepted yourself and how you view a partner in your life. Who knew? I certainly had no clue until I divored two years ago!

Well hurrray for aging gracefully. I must say, I have never felt beautiful until I had a partner look at me with adoring eyes, not despite, but because of the years this body, this face, have seen. Only eyes as old as mine, can be this full of love. No kidding. Thanks.

hi…found you by accident, and wandered thru your posts just a little bit…this entry makes me quite happy to be an “older woman” of 45…and yes, we DO know what we are doing…smiling…~the feline~ 😉

December 1, 2005

Just found this on RC. Very good entry. I enjoyed reading it.

December 1, 2005

Yeeeeeaaaargh. Holy wow. This is … ah, yeah. I have to send this to Hotboy, say “DO THIS.” Good to hear it from a man’s point of view, and preach right ON about confident women.

December 1, 2005

Random* Well now, that was quite interesting!

December 1, 2005

Gonna go stick my head in the freezer now. Thanks much. 🙂 Be well,

December 3, 2005

One element of a male orgasm that women might be able to sense through verbal communication is this: When a guy is on the brink of climax, there is an element of something similar to the loading of a shotgun. You can feel an apparent void being created for the so-called bullets to be inserted, and it is only then that a guy is ready to climax thunderously.

December 3, 2005

This sensation becomes apparent just before driving for the goal line, when a guy senses himself to be as erect as can be, it is as if he can feel the empty chamber being actually loaded, and within an instant comes the fabled “point of no return”. That is merely the technical stuff. The most ideal environment is when with a partner who is enjoying herself.

Love this. Can’t even express how much I love this.

February 16, 2006

OH you dirty boy… I love it.. Just love it.

February 17, 2006

That growling beast.. I’d just love to meet him.. and maybe get a little violent.. (the biter would get bitten)

May 23, 2006

I think I’ve reached that level of sexual comfort despite my mere 30 years. 😉 It’s what many say they find so sexy about me. I am overweight, but I am well-kempt, sassy, sexual and not afraid to lose myself in the moment. If one doesn’t abandon him or her SELF, then the experience is always lacking. This was fascinating and arousing… thanks for writing it. 🙂

May 23, 2006

Oh right, but I came here to tell you that I love the picture on your front page. 🙂

June 30, 2006


June 30, 2006

Well…ok? *laugh*

Funny that I read this AFTER writing a similar entry myself. Oh, and you’re so right about the over 38 crowd of women…. Time for me to crawl back into bed next to my man. After what I just experience, and reading what your wrote…..I’m done in. LOL

July 1, 2006

Awesome entry!! It is men like you who make being a woman like me soooo very much fun. Because we KNOW when we’ve *got* you – you make it so readily apparent. One sidenote: I find it ironice that the blonde on her knees on the couch is: A) maybe 30; B) skinny enough to count her ribs; and C) HAS FAKE TITS!! Past that, great entry!!

July 1, 2006

Dammit – I spelled “ironic” wrong in that note.

July 2, 2006

I could read this over and over- as I have for the second time around- My opinion now- where have you been all my life? Muahs!

July 2, 2006

no worries it still a good read the second time around 😀

July 5, 2006

Mmmmmmm I enjoyed this just as much as the last time I read it 🙂 Now I’m all hot n bothered…..GREAT!

I always come back to this entry. I get tons out of it every time I read it. Hmm…I’m almost 37. Wonder if I’m coming into that Patina? I hope so. I’d love to be f*cked like you describe in this entry! F*ck and BE f*cked with someone strong enough to take *my* too much-edness.

June 23, 2010

very delicious. but oh so unfair. you just directed me to this entry because you KNEW i would read the whole thing, and yesterday i said how much i am missing sex. you are a teaser! seriously, what you say about women is similar to what i said–that we have to be brave enough to let go of the shallow attention to really become ourselves without the distraction of trying to staythe pretty young shell. and also seriously, what you wrote above is not porn, nunzio. it is beautiful and sexy and hot. you have a sexy way with words that brings the feelings of good, hot, exciting lovemaking alive. that is not porn. the only thing that would make the above hotter, is if it was from a man who loved me, writing it to me… and the times that i have opened emails from my lover with sexy writing like this about our lovemaking have just made me more in love and lust and all of those feelings that are part of a rich deep relationship. that is my weakness. word guys. and as a last note. that entry of yours that stirred up the OD “pot”? i was sad for you at how devalued i felt as “you” when i read it. that is the feeling i remember. i

June 23, 2010

know it was a long time ago, and i am just recalling my general reaction, but i felt sad. i guess the dialog triggered for me feeling worthless and nothing, and i turned away in extreme sadness. exactly the sadness i felt when reading my book recently and suddenly coming upon such hurting. close the book. perhaps if i went back and read it, i would not see the same. but without doing that, it just remains to me a murky question about you and your own deep feelings about yourself. i probably will go back and read it, just to put my mind at ease that my impression of it is not totally slanted by the stuff i was going through at that time… while on that subject (sex) i will say that it is my judgement that your profile picture is arrogant. that your desire to display that picture overrides the rights of a 14 year old girl coming on OD to write about having a crush on the boy who sits in front of her… her rights to stay innocent and not see people fucking because you happened to write an entry right before hers. with a lot of care and respect,