What Does A Moment Cost?



To a parent who loses control?

To the child whose life changes in that instant?

To the community faced with the results?

To you?

3,000,000 cases of child abuse and neglect were reported in this country last year, and 2,000 children died as a result of that abuse. The others suffered in different ways. They endured emotional trauma. They were less likely to be ready for school. They were more likely to have behavior problems, become teen parents, juvenile delinquents, drug and alcohol abusers, and child abusers themselves.

And remember … Words hit as hard as a fist.


Support families, help them avoid the terrible consequences of child abuse and neglect. A community is better served by taking preventative action to promote healthy families than by reacting to a tragedy. Child abuse is everyone’s problem. You can help, and it will only cost a moment.

(Do you have a favorite child protective organization?  I invite you to post the URL in the notes and I’ll add it here as a live link.  It’s a small act but who knows how it will benefit?)

http://www.capfsd.com/  http://nccanch.acf.hhs.gov/  http://coalitiononchildabuse.org/   http://www.protectiveparents.com/   http://www.state.ct.us/dcf/sites.htm  

If you even suspect abuse, call 1-800-childline



Log in to write a note
March 25, 2004

And here’s another… http://www.protectiveparents.com/ Bless you hun.

March 25, 2004

http://www.state.ct.us/dcf/sites.htm Many related links are posted within this site though they all wouldn’t copy into the notes.

March 25, 2004
March 26, 2004

I work with runaway and abused teenagers every day, It’s my job. I see the aftermath. Thank you for posting this. If you even suspect abuse, call 1-800-childline.

March 26, 2004
March 28, 2004

*GASP* What, Nunz, no advice?!

March 29, 2004

RYN~ *falls over dead* Wow, Nunz! Now, what do I do, kick his a$$ or just not bother going to see him? I’m leaning towards a little of both! Haha.

yes, that’s me.

Spies… always spies who report back to my ex. They search for me, they stalk my favourites and read their notes to find me. ~sigh~ If you would like to continue to read me, you may find me at ShadowDancing. I will add you as a favourite as that is the only way to read me.

April 2, 2004

Never feel like you can’t tell me your feelings. I have my opinions and you have yours. I respect that!

April 4, 2004


April 5, 2004

Is that entry better than the previous few? 🙂

April 5, 2004

Ha! Not making this one private! I don’t know why we privatize. ??? The last note about the ho-hos I thought would be better private. But now that I think about it, YOU are the one that started this privatization thing! 🙂

I visited the links. Thank you. By the way, I am not Italian.

Awwwww, aren’t you proud? 🙂

April 7, 2004

ryn: that was just my reaction.

April 10, 2004

RYN: Michelob Ultra’s are only 2.6 grams carbs/beer.

April 10, 2004

ryn: wow, Nunzio… thanks for the compliments. *whew* Also, no… I am not Italian whatsoever. My heritages are: German, Welsh, Irish, English and French. “Euro Trash”. Italian in another life.

April 10, 2004
April 10, 2004

ooops… where ya been sweetie?