We are as happy as we DECIDE to be!

Do you, when you look at something like this picture, immediately create a story about it?

The first time I traveled to Europe (Austria) I was married.  My wife and I would discuss how happy we could be living in this or that little faerie tale village as we experienced the beautiful scenes there.  We would drink our coffee in the little bakery and eat those wonderful plain bread breakfast rolls that were made fresh every morning, lathered with homemade preserves. 

We were struck by the smallest of things … the server delivered coffee to you in a cup WITH a saucer and in between the cup and saucer was a little paper doily!  Rich, room temperature, cream served in little silver chalices.  Linen napkins … Linen, in a bakery!  The server didn’t ask you every 15 minutes, “Will there be anything else?”  You could sit there for hours and no one brought you a check unless you asked for it! 

We would sit in the coffee shop/bakery and conjure up stories of the joy we would experience in the day-to-day life there, in that village.  The fact that we both had careers we were striving for in the States and didn’t know the language nor have any transferable, employable skills, didn’t stop us from talking about the dream.

 We just knew that nothing bad ever happened in these little villages … we truly were in love with a faerie tale. 

Now its many years later, I’ve been to Europe many times since.  I still enjoy it immensely but no longer do I see its villages as faerie tale villages … nor do I see life as a faerie tale. 

I am continually struck that my joy in those first European experiences was entirely created in my own mind.  I knew nothing of what I was looking at and yet, from someplace inside me I declared, “There is safety and happiness here.”  I believe it was because the authors of those faerie tale books I read as a child were from Europe and, of course, used these villages in their illustrations.  I was triggered by a past memory of safety and happiness and brought it forward to influence what I was presently seeing.

I wonder how many times I’ve done that with people?  You know, never really seeing or hearing them, but bringing something up from my past to project on them. 

It works like a movie projector, I think.  The lens of the projector representing our eyes, the film in the canister representing our thinking, our brain, our individual life experiences; we look out on to a scene or individual and instead of “seeing” them, we unknowingly project our own images, thoughts, memories, perceptions, on to them, as we would a movie screen, and then we sit there, watching our own movie, and behave as though we are seeing “Truth!”

In this unconscious, projecting state, I decided … just decided, that my views of the world were “accurate,” and yet I had no idea how I formed those views.  I was not “seeing” truth but instead, my perception projected out upon the world.  Really, all I’m “seeing” is a reflection of what’s going on inside me … my own movie!

At first glance, it would seem this “Projection” technique is a bit easier to deal with when we are being positive but I don’t think so.  What impossible pressure do we create when we say to someone … our lover, “I was nothing before you.  You complete me.  You make me happier than I’ve ever been.  You are responsible for my joy.  I cannot go on without you,” or any other “romantic” terms?  Whew!  Who could ever measure up to those accolades? 

It’s even uglier when we use “projection” in a negative manner; to attack or make someone wrong and you know, we make others wrong so we can be right and we just l-o-v-e to be right, don’t we?

When we get angry and attack someone, we are attempting to get rid of our own guilt/fear.  Anger or attack has no basis other than fear residing in the attacker.  Test it for yourself.  When next you get angry, see if the underlying, the botto

m most emotion, is not fear.

When I look back into my life, every time a problem came up, the problem came from my selfish, fearful mind.  It was created by self-cherishing thoughts.  

I am convinced, in order to achieve true happiness; one must give up the narcotic of blame and embrace personal responsibility.  





There is no one responsible for how you feel, other than you. Not your lover … not your mother … just … you!  

As long as we place the blame (or credit) outside ourselves, there will be no happiness.

Since accepting this concept for my own, I have experienced joy and happiness in ways I never experienced before …

care to join me?

And that’s just one man’s opinion.



























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April 13, 2004

i could swear you wrote this for me, it hit so close to home.

April 14, 2004

You’re reading my mind Nunzio? These pictures are breathtakingly awesome . . . and this entry is magnificent!

April 14, 2004

I like this. I read somewhere that contentment is “the deliberate choice to be at peace with things as they are” which this rather reminds me of. Lovely writing. WOnderful pictures.

April 14, 2004

You are one smart man Nunzio… I’m impressed. I’ll be first in line to join this club. :o)

April 14, 2004

God, Nunzio, fix me! I wish I had mastered this concept already.

April 14, 2004

Those pictures are gorgeous.

April 14, 2004

The first thing that comes to mind is music.

~smile~ I have always been of the opinion that I am the master of my perceptions. That being, I can take any situation and choose to either lament over the darkness or see it as something I can use to make me better, stronger, happier, wiser… I choose the light. I get frustrated with people who feel the world owes them or that it’s someone elses responsibilty to make them happy.

April 14, 2004

*hugz* do you yahoo? Uncle, Sir? *wink*

April 14, 2004

GO BACK, I put my phone number up, I’m THAT frustrated

Ahhh Europe…so glorious…too bad the two times I’ve visited/lived there I was either being hustled along on a school trip, or simply too young to truly appreciate how marvelous it is…

April 15, 2004

Thanks for the info..it is on my list now…Bodega Bay. And thanks for this inspriational entry to begin my day *smile*

April 15, 2004

:-* ty

all caught up, i love your diary! especially the erotic stories… yumm

April 16, 2004

hey, that was pretty interesting and rather true, i believe. cool. take care!

Nunzio, I see a friend of mine noting you! hmmph! I am jealous! : )

Nunz, I think you need to do this three question exercise that Red and Ionuin have posted… I can only imagine the kinds of things your readers will ask.

Haha! Tease! Okay. 1. You have a week to live – what do you do in that time? 2. Do you play an instrument? If not, is there one you would like to play? 3. Favorite band or musician? 4. Favorite food? 5. Your best feature (physical or non-physical)? 6. What first attracts you to a woman? 7. Do you have a theme song? (If not, make one up. :P) There — I filled my quota. For today. Ha!

Say you were elected President of the U.S. of A. What is your first act in office? (Break in the good ol chair? ;))

Describe yourself physically? What would you do to me if I was there with you? (I am female, lol) What would I do to you? damnit! Why isn’t an unsigned note an option!!!!!?????!!!!!

April 16, 2004

TY, Sir, may I have another? *kiss* 🙂 *blush* All better now, please spank me harder… lol 😉

April 17, 2004

this is a really amazing entry. I’m going through something right now that, well, I can just really relate to what you’re saying here.

April 17, 2004

I was aware that you could view the rest of the pics…i dont put anything in there that people cant look at. But that was a nice note…thank you.

Is there a moment you wish you could re-live? If you could, would you rather move forward or backward in time? Favorite musician(s)? Favorite book? What one thing would you want to have with you were you stranded on as island? Would you rather meet God or Satan? What would you ask them upon meeting them? Do you have a favorite word? Do you have any tattoos?

I am blaming all of this on you. You encouraged questions… now you’ve got lots and lots of them. Get crackin’! 😀

April 17, 2004

Very inspiring pictures. Yes. I immediately start inventing a story in my mind when I see them.

February 8, 2005

Amen brother!

June 1, 2005

On the whole I agree with you on this. In reference to my particular issue I believe it probably has relevance as to my feelings of invasion. However, projection doesn’t absolve everyone else from being responsible for their own actions. My hurt feelings are my own, yes. But that does not mean that my co-workers did not do something wrong and should be held responsible for it. thanks for your note

But it’s so hard not to allow another’s actions NOT affect the way we feel. Aside from that, my main point of unhappiness or dismay lies with the way this polyamorous relationship is playing out with the four of us. It really is four people…not two. It can’t be separated out like this and still be healthy (I don’t think). (con’t)…

Fernando/Rocky says that CW is lashing out like this because CH is not giving her what she needs to feel secure in their primary union — HE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD THERE! It’s something I work on on a daily basis with my husband, yet CH feels it’s unnecessary to put that level of communication in with his wife. That’s sad to me…spills over to me. *sigh*

July 21, 2006

Wonderful……well said – like a page from my mind!

April 7, 2010