Those Sumbitches!


"According to a Consumer Federation of America study, banks charge 11 to 32 times their actual cost to process a bounced check, and generate $5.2 billion a year in revenue from bounced checks."

(And that was as of January, 2001. It’s higher now with the overnight payment of checks.)

Shop your banks people!  Look for the smaller, local bank or credit union rather than the "Big Box" national bank. It’s VERY competitive out there!





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August 3, 2005

Wow. Bastards!

I’m with a credit union now. Silent treatment is over, hee hee.

August 3, 2005

I just stuff my money in a mattress. Well I would,…if I had any money. Come to think of it, all my money goes to the bank to pay them for the money they say I owe them. Sumbitches

August 3, 2005

yep. they’ll get you.

August 3, 2005

I’m an idiot, I bank at B of A.

You’re right, the big banks absolutely suck! I love my credit union…they give my checking account interest just to keep money in it! The same % they give my savings account. And if I overdraft, they don’t charge me, they just pull the money out of my savings…no hassel.

August 3, 2005

And to think…. I have B of A!!! lol Never bounced a check tho…. *hugs*

August 3, 2005

Allways been a Credit Union Member..

August 4, 2005

Good to know…..thanks Nunz! ASSHOLES!!

RYN: At some point it may hit YOU that it has already, and for many years, HIT ME that I doargue for my brokkenness, and everything I do — everything — is an attempt to force myself to STOP doing that and accept that I am God’s creature; with a greater purpose; an inherent good; & that God LOVES ME regardless. Yet, still, I fail to do that. God MADE ME THIS WAY. He expects this from me!

Thank you so much for your continued concern, Nunz. I feel your good heart in every note. I am TRYING. Surely you must see that I am trying. Every damn day. All my life.

August 4, 2005

RYN: NEW COLORS!!! If you don’t like these you can bite me…..

August 4, 2005

yeah… my former Father In Law never wore a ring either… I am still just stinging from the married man I was involved with that didn’t wear a ring and didnt mention that he was married until AFTER I’d slept with him… So, I’m sorta sorry!

The extent of your advice is limitless. How do people survive without you?

August 4, 2005

how ’bout you not bounce a check? Realistically, I realize it happens to the best of us, but come on, it’s not like it’s our money if we pay for something with money that’s not really there. Forgive me for being b*tchy about this 🙂

August 5, 2005

RYN: Hmmmmmm Considering your diary has been the SAME two bland colors since I’ve known you I’ll chalk your last comment up to jealousy! LOL ~sticks out tongue and runs away~

Ryn: *looks around* You sure you’re here? I sure as hell don’t see you. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” Yep, just like I thought…you’re not here. : )

BTW, LB is OBVIOUSLY color blind. Forgive her, she doesn’t know any better.

I don’t like it when people get comfortable with me. It’s smart of you to stay on your guard.

August 5, 2005

RYN: Feeling awfully “punchy” today aren’t you big guy! Maybe I’ll fly out there Sunday so we can settle this once and for all!!! ~wink~ You scared yet?

August 5, 2005
August 5, 2005

~giggle~ I always assumed you walked around in a PERMANENT state of arousal (wink) Anyhow….glad I could help you out in that department! I didn’t think you’d be scared!

August 5, 2005

Mr. Happy and the Two Tones ROFLMAO!! HA ha haaaaaa That’s good stuff right there!!!!

August 5, 2005

mmm im in the midst of reading through your journal, but i just wanted to say, the picture in your profile is very artistic and beautiful. 🙂

August 7, 2005

call me crazy…..But I must know who the artist is….I looked around myself…trying to find it, but all I found was stimulation and none of it was artistic.. go well

Click the video codes link, find the song you like, and copy and paste the code they give you into the entry, using the source button. I can’t get it to work on the front page, unfortunately. There’s not a huge selection and a lot them don’t work, but hey, it’s still pretty groovy.

ryn: you noticed? aww, how flattering. 😉 i’ll have to see what i can come up with next in order to appease you. 😉

August 8, 2005

why thank you! <3

August 10, 2005

*seriously considers doing her banking out of a jar buried in the back yard.