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August 16, 2005

It brings me to http://www.google.com

August 16, 2005

takes me to google too… even when I paste the shortcut…

August 16, 2005

I got it, that was pretty cool. Tricky but cool!

August 16, 2005

Now that is the coolest way yet that I have ever seen someone fold a shirt!

Interesting 🙂

August 16, 2005


August 16, 2005

okay…. that was cool

What the hell? Sorry, but I’m going to have to disagree w/the other noters, that was just NOT cool. Write a diiiirrrrrrty entry, Nunzio. hee hee

August 17, 2005

I used to think that I folded my tshirts fairly effectively, but that is just toooooo efficient!!! 🙂

August 17, 2005

I had to watch that clip three times before I realized… he folded the shirt in three motions. I’d hire him to fold MY laundry if there was any possibility he could fold it without yakking at me the whole time! Since I doubt it… I’ll continue folding my Ts with one motion, open draw…

yeah, I think I’ll continue to hang my shirts up…if I tried that, I’d probably just end up with a mess.

Is everything ok? I saw that you’d called this am. Tried calling back a couple of times, but no answer, no machine. Please let me know asap.

tried to watch it hun, but I have the wrong version of media player so it crasher my IE. eh. s’ok. Next time.

Ryn: Ok, I read your notes and I have something to say. If I’m such a precious treasure AND the guy should ask the girl all these things, then why haven’t you? Yeah, yeah, that’s what I thought. : )

Ryn: Heck, w/thim thar shoes, a pair of daisy dukes and a button-up (just barely buttoned up) tight, red shirt on, he’d be mine! Oops, almost forgot…I need my hair done in braids though…a braid just off each shoulder w/red ribbons keepin ’em in place!!!

August 20, 2005

I’m speechless. Not what I expected by an means (wink) Informative none the less…. You KNOW I’ll have to go home and teach myself that now!

August 20, 2005

ryn: Oh BROTHER!

August 20, 2005

ryn: WHAT THE??? That scares me.

August 20, 2005

hahahaha!! You are an absolute nut! Are you practicing the technique?

Ryn: I am NOT going to order those!!!! LOL

Re your notes, so “the EXPLOSION of heat runs through my cock as the white light and starburst hits my head” is what it FEELS like. LOL. Was all that other stuff necessary? ROFL. Good Lord! My readers will faint dead away! LOL.

And how on earth can you get away with putting that stuff in a note! Where is the censor! LOL. I can’t make them private at this point, I don’t think, so I’m going to delete them, your notes. Sorry. They are just way graphic, Nunz!! I was looking for the sensation, not the play by play. ROFL.

Nunz, I’m a WHITE BREAD girl. Good Lord! You nearly killed me! LOL. But I appreciate your input very much. It is nice to hear it from a man’s point of view — very intriguing. Thank you.

Holy Hell. I reposted your note that contained the word “c*ck” so I’m guilty myself now. Crap.

Not if you have to recreate them. It just wouldn’t be the same. LOL. But they were good — I got a good feel of how it must be for you and actually CAN relate to husband just a little bit better because of it. So thank you!

August 23, 2005

you are a darling..but I need you to vote again..read my edit lol!

Your picture (on the front) isn’t showing up Puppy.

I shared my back pic with you? Hmm. That wasn’t very ladylike, was it? My vanity, donchaknow.

RYN: ‘Cause that would go over SOOO well. Besides, you wouldn’t want them. They were CLEAN.

It made me BLUSH. *shakes head in (mock) disgust*

August 26, 2005

RYN:”(the problem) faded when confronted with a new and stronger life urge”…perhaps…it was more a conscious decision. Just taking one small step at a time and paying attention to each step. For me, it’s an effort to stay PRESENT. Yes, you are right, final email was never sent. Thanks for your thoughts.

August 27, 2005

I’ve seen this- now if I could just get it in slow more or with a direction manual….aaahhh eff it- I’ll continue hanging them up.

August 28, 2005

wow!! i better anything i could never do it although it looks easier than SH$T

August 29, 2005

LOL i can do that!

a rather random note, i was just curious to know where your name comes from. i have read it in a book but i’m not sure it’s the same source 😛