The House sends a message to (Bush’s) Wall Street!



How appropriate; the worst time in our nation’s financial history happens on the watch of the worst president (intentional lower case “P”) in our nation’s history!
I think not!
Goodbye Bush, you fucker!




(To the rest of us, keep funding your 401k, more if you can afford it. It’ll take awhile to come back but there hasn’t been a buying opportunity like this during our lifetime!)
God bless, Nunzio

To Red Running Hood:

RYN: Yep, the bailout will occur, it’s just going to change a bit.

=== *removes his goal of spiritual evolvement for this next part* ===

The BEST part about today was seeing Bush’s own party turning against that selfish, scavenging, rat-fucking bastard, beast!

Now if that piece of shit, no-nothing, vapid, arrogant, condescending Suzie Orman would just shut the FUCK up and get the FUCK off of Larry King Live and get herself an enema, the whole world would be back in balance!

Yeah, I said it!

And as for your comment, “talking politics makes me want to crush something like a bug,” well, how about MY head between YOUR legs because, if Armageddon is coming, that’s JUST the way I wanna die!  Now, how’s THAT for talking about something you wanna talk about?
Catch my drift?

=== God bless, Nunzio ===



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September 29, 2008

Today I asked one of the Financial Analyst types where I work if The Press was over-dramatizing things or if this current financial mess was about to bring a whole new meaning to “It’s Raining Men” on Wall Street. He didn’t really give me an answer…

September 29, 2008

what a splendid cardboard sign!!

September 29, 2008

I just hope we don’t get a new Bush.

September 29, 2008

Come on Nunzio, tell us how you really feel!

September 29, 2008

Can’t wait to see that man gone. I only hope he didn’t completely destroy the country in the process. Thanks to my financial advisor who saw this coming and got me out of the fire. Bless him, I may still be able to retire in 10 years!

September 29, 2008

Bush and the Republicans tried to stave off this mess 10 years ago, but the Dems wouldn’t have it. They wanted everyone to be able to afford a home of their own. Well guess what, THEY COULDN’T AFFORD IT!! Dems and their idealist wishes. Yeah…whatever. Welcome to the real world, F*ckers. Anyone who believes this is strictly a Bush thing or a Republican thing, is…well….

September 29, 2008

What a FANTASTIC sign!

September 29, 2008

Don’t you expect, though, that the bailout will go through anyway? Still….it was good to see the refusal to bail them out. It was reckless and negligent. They need to clean up their own mess — I and many others are willing to take what comes from “no bailout.” Annnyyywayy………talking politics makes me want to crush something like a bug. Let’s talk about something I like to talkabout…. Daddy.

September 29, 2008

Couldn’t have said it better.

September 29, 2008

And as far as I’m concerned regarding Suzie Orman, I wish someone would throw her down on a kitchen table and drill that smart ass bitch until they find oil.

September 30, 2008

I adore you more and more

September 30, 2008

This is bad. This is what happens with rampant de-regulation of the banking industry and artificially low inflation rates.

September 30, 2008

Politicans. Whores. Scum. Doesn’t matter who. or what party. Actually, I insult whores and scum by including them in the mix.

September 30, 2008

Why can’t Big Bird, the Teletubbies and Barney all get some uzis and get her right the fuck off PBS? Do her shoes REALLY bring in the $$? every time they have a begging for bucks drive they per HER on!! I don’t get it. Ditto, man.

September 30, 2008

^^^ I’m so hot for Bernard right now. OMG. Somebody give me his number!

September 30, 2008


September 30, 2008

Is the fall of the US financial market Armageddon? Well, in that case…!!! But I’m warning you…I been doing the abductor and adductor machines at the gym and these thighs are LIKE STEEL, BUDDY!

September 30, 2008

This made my day. Not just your, er, uh, expression…way with words…focus… but the exchange with RRH…warms my heart and makes me all moist. And SPOT ON to RRH about the whole blame game. Hugs,

September 30, 2008

And another thing…may I copy this page? đŸ™‚

September 30, 2008

I dont think i have a right to comment on American politics, until it rolls into our wallets ( if it hasnt already)

October 3, 2008

Hair schmair! You never tell me I’m pretty. *pouts*

October 8, 2008

enough politics baby – come tell me how pretty I am ; )

October 9, 2008

well, i have to admit, THAT didn’t help either. i’ve decided that i have porno hair. đŸ˜€

October 11, 2008

RYN: Oh come on……you KNOW better! đŸ™‚

October 12, 2008

I just came back to see how long Bush has left, I see it is less than 100 days to go. Hope our country will last that long!

October 14, 2008


October 15, 2008

Ah yes…you know how much I adore a big bad wolf with a deep commanding voice! You are having WAY too much fun. Doesn’t the Dow Jones need your attention or something???????

October 15, 2008

Re your second note….oooooooooooooooooh…I love it when you compliment me. It’s SOOO rare. *swoons*

October 16, 2008

thanks for the link. i sent it along… đŸ™‚

October 17, 2008

Obama will win regardless of who I vote for. There…I said it!

October 17, 2008

RYN: It always does that, I don’t know why. Just log in again. When you click it again, it will take you to it. *shrugs*

October 18, 2008

Well now, looks like I haven’t been to your OD in a while… no comment on this though… RYN: Thanks for telling me that, I didn’t know you could set it up to auto save in Word and I have had it for a while. Shows how much I mess around with it. lol S*G

October 20, 2008

lol!! love the note to our Red… lol ahh.. i love a man who wants to spend Armageddon between a woman’s legs.. mm mm mmm.. his FACE between her legs.

October 29, 2008

I restate and wait for your answer: What’s wrong with rough sex? *LOL* Just kidding.

October 30, 2008

RYNRMN: Whew!! Thank all that is good and right in the world! Well, it’s usually the best. Not sure if it’s the only. *g*

October 30, 2008

LOL!! i need to make one of those signs.

October 30, 2008

RYN: LOL….I do realize WHERE/HOW I met my husband. However, cable techs have to come into the office to get thier work orders and supplies. Why on earth with a police officer have to come into dispatch? Of course, I guess I could be wrong. Love my new nickname by the way. Hope I get the job so you can continue to use it!

October 30, 2008

ryn: yeah yeah yeah!!! in your arm pits! lol boy.. that looks weird to the rest of th noters. i’m glad you get the shoe thing đŸ˜‰ i painted my nails red today and thought of you.

November 3, 2008

RYN: Heh, I was posting these and thought, “I wonder how long it will take Nunzio to comment?” You never disappoint.

November 4, 2008

RYN: Thanks for the words of encouragement. I realize “why” she’s behaving this way….to an extent. And yes, I did the same thing but not CONSTANTLY and I did stop waaaaaaay before it got to the point of screaming. If I’d acted like that with my parents I’d been picking myself up off the floor….cuz they’d have knocked my ass down! But still….thanks!

November 4, 2008

RYN: I’ve only been off work since August….and I’ve not gotten offered another job yet, so I’m not “going back to work” yet either. ~sticks out tongue~