Thank you military men and women – II


A poem said to have been written by a soldier stationed in Okinawa, Japan.  It describes a visit by Santa to a simple home occupied by a solider.






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The Truth:
This poem has been popular on the Internet for several years and occasionally makes a fresh appearance when there is a fresh attitude of support for the armed forces.

There are several versions and several different names listed with them as author.

The only name that has been listed in a government publication, however, is that of Air Force Lt. Col Bruce W. Lovely.  The poem was in the Fort Leavenworth Lamp in 1995 and says Lovely wrote it in 1993 while stationed In Korea.








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Why would it matter where it came from anyway?

I have read this more than once before, and each time it brings a tear to my eye and a hope that people really do understand what they give for us the unknown masses.

I really like that peom. I’m thinking about joining the army, and I like hearing more stuff about it. That is rather sad, but it was good.

I think the authenticity of any story is of absolute importance. People don’t send u forwards & start rumours 2 entertain they r attempting 2 elicit a specific response which more often than not they get whether u c it as propaganda or just simply being played. Whilst authenticity doesn’t detract from the poem itself the real issue is whether u have the critical savvy 2 look beyond it.

November 26, 2003