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October 29, 2006

I’ll be honest, watching this was just entirely too painful for me – I couldn’t watch it all. I have always admired Michael J. Fox. Shoot we’re the same age, I feel like I’ve grown up with him since high school. If there is ANY way to stop this heinous disease that robs wonderful, bright, capable people of their ability to function within their own skin, I say we need to pursue it.

October 29, 2006

Why anyone would be against research on the curing of disease, unless they made money from the treatment of disease, is beyond me. Peace,

October 29, 2006

thanks for passing it along 🙂

October 29, 2006

same as Lincoln’s note.

October 29, 2006

I’m for stem cell research, so no this didn’t influence my thinking. I have to agree that watching him now is very hard for me.

October 29, 2006

I am sitting here, literally, with tears running down my face. Even with his failing body, the man is so eloquent and passionate. Gotta admire that, no matter which side of the fence you are on. And his comments only make my shared passion that much stonger.

my mother is in her 8th year of alzheimer’s disease. she had two brothers die of parkinson’s disease. her eldest sister now has parkinson’s. that being said, i think that stem cell research is extremely important and beneficial and had it been done a decade or so ago, could have immensely helped michael j. fox and my mother and her siblings. i read some of the negative commentsabout michael j. fox not taking his meds to show the “full effect” of parkinson’s. those f*cking idiots. what difference does it make if he takes them or not?! his body is STILL devastated by parkinson’s. the meds are buying him time *not* a cure. (g)

October 29, 2006

rush should shot up for doing that about Michael..we should do all we have to cure these illness…May God be with michael and his family…

October 29, 2006

p.s. thank you kindly for your note, am so sorry it took me so long for a response.

October 30, 2006

That was heartbreaking to watch. His eloquence is inspiring. Even in the throes of this illness, he is fair-handed and clear. The video reinforces to the nth degree my feelings on the subject. As he said, it is not about celebrity, it is about what we can do on behalf of the people of this nation. There should be no question on moving forward with the research. I haven’t heard Rush’s comments,but got the gist. It is truly disturbing that people have become so cynical as to go the route that Rush took. Tragic. Thanks for sharing this. Hugs,

October 30, 2006

MJF’s comments only reaffirm what I’d always thought. Stem cell should be pursued.

October 30, 2006

RYN: Yep. It’s time.

October 30, 2006

I’ve been meaning to come over and say hello. I saw your notes on Lincoln’s diary, too, and I know we could have some fun discussions. Wait until I write about my first week at grad school. You’ll enjoy the info, I’m sure. It’s a mixture of ACIM, Buddhism, and other stuff I do not know the names of, yet. Hi. 🙂

October 30, 2006

I was for it long ago.

October 30, 2006

That doesn’t influence my way of thinking because I am for stem cell research. Thanks for sharing the interview, very touching.

October 30, 2006

wow watching that was rough. but ive always been in favor of stemm cell research so ITA with lincoln as well.

I don’t know exactly what our politics on stem cell research are up here in Canada, I do know though that Parkinsons, Diabetes and Alzheimers all run in my family. My grandfather died from Alzheimers, my grandmother from Parkinsons. My father is dying from Diabetes and I worry about him for Alzheimers. All these things are in my genetic make-up and could easily strike me or more importantly (ona personal level) my children. I am completely against human cloning. That said, if stem cell research can help find a cure or even a more effective and less violent treatment for these diseases, then I think it’s up to us as a world society to explore that. Science by it’s very nature can be scary. It is answering the question “What if?” Sometimes those ‘what if’ questions are better left unanswered, but we cannot let fear be our guide. Education, understanding and an open mind are the things that should be our lead. My 2 cents. Bailey

oh, and reading the comments (all 688 of them) was very interesting. Many people who spoke against the video or MJF didn’t really listen to what he said about the medication or it’s effects, nor what happens if he doesn’t take them. Also there were a lot of very nasty comments about RL – that in no way reflects what Michael was trying to promote either. Balanced, open discussion without resorting to name calling or derogatory behaviour/comments. A lesson on humanity could be learned simply from how he handled himself in light of the situation. So I had more pennies to share than I thought. ~grins~ Bailey

October 30, 2006

ryn: it’s not so much guilt as… craving.

October 31, 2006

I believe in moving forward, that implies progress in my book. Does that give you my answer?

October 31, 2006

You love it too.

October 31, 2006

Our Nunz does love lacy red panties!

October 31, 2006

ryn: Thank you. “Just focusing on loving me right now” Oh, yeah, and I am one helluva lover baby, so you KNOW I am enjoying this. 😉 Take care,

RYN: My father chooses his own path. He still drinks and smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and does absolutely no exercise. He is well aware that these things only contribute to the debilitating effects of diabetes and chooses to ignore it. His life – his choice. It is hard to see him as he grows weaker and more sickly, but I am not him and all I can do is offer my thoughts. He’s stubborn(taurean nature through and through), so he will do as he wants. At least I managed to get him to stop drinking and driving. That only took about 10 years of constant nagging. LOL

October 31, 2006

Newton said that he duplicated the rainbow, not because he wanted to dispute the existance of God, but because he wanted to prove it……..I hope that our current leaders remember this, and release their hold over another’s right to be remarkable, brilliant and brave. MJ’s cure cannot be kept hostage by the faith of the un-faithful. go well

November 1, 2006

ryn ty 🙂

November 1, 2006

I wrote an entry last summer on the subject. http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D268277&entry=20236 You may link if you choose. I will be voting FOR the proposition. I worry that this state is too narrow minded to understand…

November 1, 2006

I have been for this from the beginning…..nothing is worse than watching a loved one suffer and know the research that could be done, isn’t.

BRAVO!!!! Wonderful interview (as hard as it is to watch him getting worse). I have a friend who has Cystic Fibrosis. I am 100% for stem cell research.

November 2, 2006

ps–my boobs are much bigger than that!

November 3, 2006

RYN: Always think of you when I write warm words of self-forgiveness, which I gather you DID hear, to some degree, in this entry of mine. Course, I also think of you when I think of the Lovely Venus getting it hard from some educated, knowledgeable and insightful man who knows what she needs and is happy to give it to her! It’s the slut in me. *big grin*

November 3, 2006

There! Happy???

November 4, 2006

Need advice. How do you politely disengage from someone who is challenging your beliefs in a harsh way? Scenario: A hellfire-and-damnation-saturated person countering everything you might say about peace and love. What do you say to disengage? Gotta say, the ego is mighty engaged and slightly enraged. I know the answer to this, I think, but maybe too bothered to see it. Any thoughts? Thanks!

November 4, 2006

ryn: Yes, I did know the answer and pretty much responded accordingly. He was very hateful. So, when I said, “Love,” he said I was simple-minded. Yay! I love simplicity. lol Anyway, he was not very nice when I did not engage in arguing with him, saying all sorts of terrible things. I knew there was no sharing or caring that would make a difference, but thought I should at least try. Thanks again!

ryn~ Don’t you think I’ve already planned for that?

I haven’t DONE it yet! Just thought about it. I’m usually the last one in the office. And my office sort of faces the street. Obviously, at night, everyone can see IN to my office. I’m such an exhibitionist. My desk is one of those U-shaped table top desks. Perfect height for so many naughty things. Perhaps someday…

November 4, 2006

You know, one day, I WILL be able to engage in discussion with you (and others) without the labels. I look forward to that day. 🙂

November 5, 2006

thanks for the encouragement Nunz/ p.s. i hadn’t seen the m. fox video clip the first time i noted, but it is powerful. i never heard rush speak, but i get so angry that people like him have so many devoted fans and voice so many people’s beliefs. it’s depressing. actually had to tutor a kid who wrote on stem cell res. and quoted g.w. as his main authority on the subjec’ when does life begin?

November 5, 2006

i never understood why the government (or anyone!) thinks it has the right to decide what goes on in a woman’s uterus!!!! AND the republicans are GENIUSES to come up with their slogan “PRO-LIFE”–Jesus, who ISN’T for LIFE? In comparison, “PRO-CHOICE” sounds so weak. Irony, anyone? we are pro life, but let’s go KILL millions of people in war.

ryn: divorce is outta the question. it would tear my kids apart. i would rather die of insanity living two different lives than hurt my children. (g)

November 8, 2006

For. really? you think EA is not my style? hmm..interesting. i do dig the simple lines, tho, very minimalistic. and, yeah, i actually had yesterday off — a gift for working so hard last month. cool, eh?

November 8, 2006

Oh holy hell yes! That’s the Mickey I’m talkin’ ’bout. Though, I prefer him in “Wild Orchild.” *shakes hand, sucking air through teeth* Actually, I’d prefer to be IN Wild Orchid with him.

November 9, 2006

hey, i just saw your note where you were asking me if you went to far…jeez, that would mean i’d have to be taking exception to something you said and, dear Nunzio, i wouldn’t take exception to anything you said, K? seriously, i don’t know what you meant, but i DO know that anything you’ve said to me lately is OK. hehehe!!!

November 9, 2006

well, hell, i totally missed that note!!! i’m going back to find it….wait….

November 9, 2006

ryn: The low heels were in use so I would NOT go off and have sex with the first random guy I thought I might like to do. Also did not shave my legs. TMI? LOL Now that I have started yoga again, when I get all bendy and flexible is when I will pick some hottie out and have my way with him. It is most important to be able to put the feet behind the ears, you know. Oh, my. Can’t wait! 😉 LOLabout the story with the ex-girlfriend. Too funny!

November 9, 2006

re. the champeen Big Mouth Bass…I don’t know, they are mighty, mighty purdy. Heck, I ain’t even in the same hemisphere of that kind of beauty! 😉

November 9, 2006

ha! i found it. come see my answer. oh, by the way, will you strip nekkid ‘cept for your shoes and socks, and rub oil all over, too? hehe!

November 9, 2006

ah..the sex with mg brought me over but the stem cell is going to keep me around long enough to read an entry or two. i live in mo where we just passed (barely) the stem cell admen. i am strongly in favor of stem cell research and appreciate the link to the other diariest from MO who expressed her views so well.

November 10, 2006

RYN: Sweetness, you are one of those assholes I love (and I’m not talking about my sexual fetishes). We EXPECT. That’s what we do as women. Just like, you, as men, think with your dicks a bunch of the time. Why can’t we all just get along? And I do disagree. There ARE men out there who are just as interested, just as quickly as women.

November 10, 2006

And sometimes, Nunzio, men do dupe women. Sometimes they do.

November 10, 2006

duck feathers? do you who you are handing juicy visuals to? danger! be careful what you ask for!!! heh!

November 10, 2006

ryn” You sir, are incorrigible. I like that quality in a man! Keep smiling (and writing). 🙂

November 10, 2006

Well, Darlin’, if you practice that in your own life successfully, then you are 1 that I know of. Okay. 2 — my husband is the second. LOL. Thanks for taking time to note me. –R

November 11, 2006

I unprivatized the lyrics, but not because you called me a “fowl” name. LOL I am such a card. hehehe Happy day to you, Nunz! kiss kiss

November 11, 2006

Hehehe…I know you were teasing, but had to do the play on words. The hands in the hair tugging…oh, my. Wet hot. One of my favorite things of all time…whew. Nice visual, thank you very much! 😉

November 12, 2006

haha! didn’t even think of that…hmmm..OH! there’s one more coming, in a few minutes…!!

November 12, 2006

ryn: thanks, but you’re missing the bigger picture here. I HATE SUV’s. But my current car is DANGEROUS to drive and I *need* a functional car right now. Would you advise putting $1,000 of repairs into a lemon car? I doubt it. So here’s the problem – one reason my car is dead is beacuse I’m a southerner driving in northern winter roads, spinning out left and right, two wrecks in two years, I *cannot handle these roads* and I’m a danger to myself and to others unless I can a car that can drive in this @*(%$&@(. Read up on the CR-V… it’s not just 4 wheel drive but it also has TRACTION CONTROL and that is THE reason I need it… not because it’s an SUV or a pretty car. It’s DESPITE that. I’m really worried about my safety.. another snowfall is coming and I’m terrified, but when I took this thing out for a test drive it’s the first time I felt SAFE. Sorry, but safety does matter. Ask the cars who’ve been stuck behind me when I’ve crawled along at 15 miles an hour five months out of the year up here because I’m terrified of spinning out after my wrecks. I’m cashing out the 401k. It’s PENNIES… but it’ll keep me from debt, and keep me safe on the road.

November 12, 2006

(two wrecks in one year, even)

November 12, 2006

ok, now I’m getting mad. re-reading your note, you also have no idea what my workweek is like… I had YESTERDAY to go car shopping and THAT’S IT. I’m not allowed to go into why, but there is NO time to car shop during the workweek… I HAVE to be putting in 60 hour workweeks right now, and more snowfall is coming and I have to prepare for the most important followup interview of my life to GET that 100,000 job, which I will not get if I spent all my time for several days shopping for used cars, getting them tried out by mechanics to make sure they’re safe, etc. That said, if you can find me a five thousand dollar car that has both all wheel drive AND VSA with traction control to keep me from spinning out on the unplowed snowcovered road outside my home and getting into another wreck this winter and you have the time to get it guaranteed as safe by a mechanic and get it delivered to me… bless you. Otherwise, please trust that I know what’s best for my life.

November 12, 2006

In short, this is not about mindless impulse buying gratification, and I’m pretty insulted that that’s what you’re basically accusing me of. You think I’m ENJOYING this???????

November 12, 2006

ryn: well, you could have taken a different tone, not been so condescending and flippant and actually READ what I wrote. You’ll see I described the 7500 401k money as the CASH-IN value. I obviously KNOW about the tax penalty… I’m not an idiot. The 7500 is POST PENALTY or I wouldn’t have written it that way. And if you’d read the last entry more thoroughly you would have caught that this is about the VSA and traction safety, not about a fun impulse buy. Again, PLEASE show me a 5,000 car with those safety features… otherwise, yes, I do think my staying ALIVE on the road to LIVE to my retirement is a bit more important than how, in the next 30 years, I’m going to pay myself back (and again, if you were following more carefully, you’d know I’m on the verge of getting a highpaying job, in which case I can quickly reinvest in a retirement plan… but I need to GET AROUND SAFELY in the meantime or there will be no job, no retirement, no life). Just be more sensitive to peoples’ lives and full context before you get so caught up in leaving clever notes the next time. this is NOT FUN for me.

November 13, 2006

But you’re not saying it’s not sexy, right? I mean come on. Me standing there in just my conservative gray thong, carefully trying to iron just the little bow and not my skin? And just imagine how I danced about when I burned myself!

November 13, 2006

i have no problem with the dildo….

November 13, 2006

Once again you’ve gotten all sorts of notes to a very touchy subject. though I’m not sure what all the damn fuss is about….in my opinion it’s a no brainer actually. I’m for it 100%…and always have been! RYN: Um…no tummy flesh!!! Are you nuts!

November 14, 2006

ryn: Hahaha As a matter of fact, I have not tried it on my back yet. Just on the side. LOL I am working up to it. Not ready to go there yet. 😉

November 15, 2006

Interesting (opposing) take on stem cell research: http://opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=C100070&entry=20391&mode=date

November 15, 2006

what does “afterburner” mean?

November 15, 2006

Hey! We’ve been challenged to a f*ck off! I’m free all week.

November 16, 2006

For it.

November 16, 2006

As you might imagine, Nunz, I am a pro at the “turn-away” while I lean forward. I mean, what’s the fun of sporting it if men can’t enjoy oggling it at their leisure? I once knew a girl who sported it and then would say to the men, when she caught them, “They don’t talk.” Hell, mine don’t talk. They shout!

November 16, 2006

ryn: what? no welcome back?

November 16, 2006

So maybe I lie. Maybe it’s just more fun to play with a group. ROFL. Another fantasy? LOL. Though, I do know, Nunz, that you won’t ever let me get into any real trouble with you. I appreciate that. No matter how hard you play with me, privately or otherwise.

November 16, 2006

re cleavage: oh stop!

November 18, 2006

what? you want me to confess that????? *blushing******

November 18, 2006

Hey! I stole the Casteneda quote from Bronner!

November 18, 2006

Hee hee. I saw some <i.fantasmagolically outstanding cleavage today. I. Do. Believe. I. Have mayseen it before. *Pondering*

November 18, 2006

Hee hee. I saw some fantasmagolically outstanding cleavage today. I. Do. Believe. I. Have may have seen it before. *Pondering*

November 20, 2006

Thanks. You should see it close up. Its positively wicked!

November 20, 2006

It, m’dear, IT means the photo with the redhair and redtop. In fact, I’ve just amended that ‘slide show thing’ to show IT better 🙂 What else could IT have possibly referred to??? hehehe

November 21, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving, cutie. Do your Snoopy Happy Dance for me. 🙂

November 21, 2006

You are a wise man. (I have all the Mirhh I need, in case you are wondering). I know the “porpoising” thing well. I just can’t predict it. Very frustrating to be excited about another opportunity, then to get slammed by the next memory. It always gets better. Right? Right?

November 22, 2006

“Nude or in a suit?” Whichever your heart desires. Of course, in a suit, you can always do the striptease version of the dance. 😉

ryn: LOL!!!! you are crazy!!!! those old men with silver/gray eyebrow hair that is sooooo long and bushy look so cool!!!

November 22, 2006

Jeez, you turn me on when you call me Butterbuns.

November 23, 2006

Great links!

I think this website can explain polyamory better than I ever could. http://www.xeromag.com/fvpoly.html

No, it wasn’t that your questions were too invasive. It’s just that polyamory is difficult to figure out when you’re practicing it, and having to add a layer of explaining it to others or “convincing” them that it’s a viable lifestyle is sometimes overwhelming.

My secondary relationship(s) will always carry more energy than my primary relationship with David, simply because you can’t maintain that level of energy over 20 years together. It is the secondary relationship energy that feeds the primary marriage. I allow that to flow into it. If you can imagine a heart with a divider in it, but one with holes, where the energy can flow back and forth. G feels the energy that David and I create, and D feels the energy that G and I create. I view my two relationships as primary in that the energy, focus, and love are equal. Different, yet equal. David practices polyamory very differently than G and I do. He’s more of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” variety. He doesn’t gain energy from hearing how G (or anyone else) f*cks me. He doesn’t want to be a part of a triad sexually. He enjoys the energy it creates, but doesn’t need to be a part of it. G and I love that aspect of our relationship…and will invite others to participate eventually. Essentially, I get to play out two different sides of my personality with two different men. It’s pretty incredible.

Giovanni is not a fantasy. It is a relationship. All relationships are work. We work hard at what we have, as do David and I. But, because G and I don’t live together, there’s a freshness to it that will always be there. It’s a vacation from real life. We all love vacations. We come home refreshed and rejeuvanated and our *real* lives are affected by that. Think about how rejeuvanated you feel when you come back to work after a great vacation. That’s what polyamory is to me. It’s a way to keep a 20-year relationship energized in a healthy and open way.

November 26, 2006

Thank you. Sorry ’bout that no notes thing. It was supposed to be private notes only. 🙂

ryn~ It’s in Wikipedia. That I know. I have never checked Websters, tho. Glad you liked my answers this go-round. I know that you and I don’t necessarily agree on polyamory.

November 27, 2006

Thank you, Nunzio. I will remember your words and pray for a quiet mind — for that peaceful place where I don’t wonder anymore and the questions are answered. I had a long talk with God last night. Told him, once again, that I cannot do this alone. Begged for him to answer my prayers to speed my healing and guide me to the “right” answer. I have no clue. Thanks.

ryn: you bad bad boy!!!! :0)

November 30, 2006

I saw Michael J. Fox, and anyone who says he was faking has never tried to care for someone with Parkinson’s. I have. I do, everyday. And, everyday, I wonder how anyone can call themselves informed, and NOT want stem cell research to continue. RYN: I lurk you too. Often. *wink*

Re. “Yes sir, you’re talkin my language. (But we’d have to take turns being overpowered!)” Oh, yeah, that’s what it is all about, babe. Re. wondering if you offended…never. Not easily offended, if ever. To each his own, ya know? Always try to take what is said and see how it fits. Might just be some shame, who knows. Just so you know, I always appreciate your input. 🙂

January 24, 2008

Absolutely 100% for it. And watching MJF just breaks my heart. I totally feel for the guy and if stem cell research can cure this disease and many others, I say go for it. Rush should be shot.